A1 publicaties (7) [show] |
- Riou, V.; Colaço, A.; Bouillon, S.; Khripounoff, A.; Dando, P.R.; Mangion, P.; Chevalier, E.; Korntheuer, M.; Serrão Santos, R.; Dehairs, F. (2010). Mixotrophy in the deep sea: a dual endosymbiotic hydrothermal mytilid assimilates dissolved and particulate organic matter. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 405: 187-201, meer
- Dando, P.R. (2008). Obituary: Alan J. Southward (1928-2007). Nature (Lond.) 415(7174): 28, meer
Cardigos, F.; Colaço, A.; Dando, P.R.; Ávila, S.P.; Sarradin, P.-M.; Tempera, F.; Conceição, P.; Pascoal, A.; Serrão Santos, R. (2005). Shallow water hydrothermal vent field fluids and communities of the D. João de Castro Seamount (Azores). Chem. Geol. 224(1-3): 153-168. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2005.07.019, meer
- Southward, A.J.; Langmead, O.; Hardman-Mountford, N.J.; Aiken, J.; Boalch, G.T.; Dando, P.R.; Genner, M.J.; Joint, I.; Kendall, M.A.; Halliday, N.C.; Harris, R.P.; Leaper, R.; Mieszkowska, N.; Pingree, R.D.; Richardson, A.J.; Sims, D.W.; Smith, T.; Walne, A.W.; Hawkins, S.J. (2005). Long-term oceanographic and ecological research in the Western English Channel, in: Southward, A.J. et al. Adv. Mar. Biol. 47. Advances in Marine Biology, 47: pp. 1-105, meer
Dando, P.R.; Thomm, M.; Arab, H.; Brehmer, M.; Hooper, L.E.; Jochimsen, B.; Schlesner, H.; Stohr, R.; Miquel, J.C.; Fowler, S.W. (1998). Microbiology of shallow hydrothermal vent sites off Palaeochori Bay, Milos (Hellenic Volcanic Arc). Cah. Biol. Mar. 39(3-4): 369-372. https://dx.doi.org/10.21411/CBM.A.634ABC44, meer
- Dando, P.R.; Bussmann, I.; Niven, S.J.; O'hara, S.C.M.; Schmaljohann, R.; Taylor, L.J. (1994). A methane seep area in the Skagerrak, the habitat of the pogonophore Siboglinum poseidoni and the bivalve mollusc Thyasira sarsi. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 107: 157-167, meer
- Dando, P.R.; Southward, A.J. (1980). A new species of Chthamalus (Crustacea: Cirripedia) characterized by enzyme electrophoresis and shell morphology: with a revision of other species of Chthamalus from the western shores of the Atlantic Ocean. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 60: 787-831. https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0025315400040455, meer
Peer reviewed publicatie [show] |
- Bianchi, C.N.; Dando, P.R.; Morri, C. (2011). Increased diversity of sessile epibenthos at subtidal hydrothermal vents: seven hypotheses based on observations at Milos Island, Aegean Sea. Adv. Oceanogr. Limnol. 2(1): 1-31. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19475721.2011.565804, meer
Boekhoofdstukken (3) [show] |
- Dando, P.R.; Hughes, J.A.; Thiermann, F. (1995). Preliminary observations on biological communities at shallow hydrothermal vents in the Aegean Sea, in: Parson, L.M. et al. (Ed.) Hydrothermal vents and processes. Geological Society Special Publication, 87: pp. 303-317, meer
- Dando, P.R. (1987). Biochemical genetics of barnacles and their taxonomy, in: Southward, A.J. Barnacle biology. Crustacean Issues, 5: pp. 73-87, meer
- Dando, P.R.; Southward, A.J.; Southward, E.C.; Barrett, R.L. (1986). Possible energy sources for chemoautotrophic prokaryotes symbiotic with invertebrates from a Norwegian fjord, in: Muus, K. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 20th European Marine Biology Symposium: Nutrient Cycling. Processes in Marine Sediments, Hirtshals, Denmark, 9-13 September 1985. Ophelia: International Journal of Marine Biology, 26: pp. 135-150, meer
Overige publicatie [show] |
- Dixon, D.R.; Dando, P.R.; Santos, R.S.; Gwynn, J.P.; VENTOX Consortium (2001). Retrivable cages open up new era in deep-sea vent research. InterRidge News 10(2): 21-23, meer