A1 publicaties (6) [show] |
- Chaudry, M.A.; Zwolsman, J.J.G. (2008). Seasonal dynamics of dissolved trace metals in the Scheldt estuary: relationship with redox conditions and phytoplankton activity. Est. Coast. 31(2): 430-443. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12237-007-9030-7, meer
- Zwolsman, J.J.G.; van Eck, G.Th.M. (1999). Geochemistry of major elements and trace metals in suspended matter of the Scheldt estuary, southwest Netherlands. Mar. Chem. 66(1-2): 91-111. dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0304-4203(99)00026-2, meer
- Zwolsman, J.J.G.; Van Eck, B.T.M.; van der Weijden, C.H. (1997). Geochemistry of dissolved trace metals (cadmium, copper, zinc) in the Scheldt estuary, southwestern Netherlands: impact of seasonal variability. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 61(8): 1635-1652. dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0016-7037(97)00029-X, meer
- Zwolsman, J.J.G.; van Eck, G.Th.M.; Burger, G. (1996). Spatial and temporal distribution of trace metals in sediments from the Scheldt estuary, south-west Netherlands. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 43(1): 55-79. dx.doi.org/10.1006/ecss.1996.0057, meer
- Zwolsman, J.J.G. (1994). Seasonal variability and biogeochemistry of phosphorus in the Scheldt estuary, SW Netherlands. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 39(3): 227-248. http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/ecss.1994.1061, meer
- Zwolsman, J.J.G.; Berger, G.W.; van Eck, G.Th.M. (1993). Sediment accumulation rates, historical input, postdepositional mobility and retention of major elements and trace metals in salt marsh sediments of the Scheldt estuary, SW Netherlands. Mar. Chem. 44(1): 73-94. dx.doi.org/10.1016/0304-4203(93)90007-B, meer
Peer reviewed publicaties (4) [show] |
- Wilbers, G.J.; Zwolsman, G.-J.; Klaver, G.; Hendriks, A.J. (2009). Effects of a drought period on physico-chemical surface water quality in a regional catchment area. J. Environ. Monit. 11(6): 1298-1302, meer
- Boderie, P.M.A.; Zwolsman, J.J.G.; van Eck, G.Th.M.; van der Weijden, C.H. (1993). Nutrient biogeochemistry in the water column (N, P, Si) and pore-water (N) of sandy sediment of the Scheldt estuary (SW-Netherlands). Neth. J. Aquat. Ecol. 27(2-4): 309-318. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02334794, meer
- Zwolsman, J.J.G.; van Eck, G.Th.M. (1993). Dissolved and particulate trace metal geochemistry in the Scheldt estuary, S.W. Netherlands (water column and sediments). Neth. J. Aquat. Ecol. 27(2-4): 287-300. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02334792, meer
- Hegeman, W.J.M.; van der Weijden, C.H.; Zwolsman, J.J.G. (1992). Sorption of zinc on suspended particles along a salinity gradient: a laboratory study using illite and suspended matter from the river Rhine. Neth. J. Sea Res. 28(4): 285-292, meer
Boekhoofdstukken (8) [show] |
- Zwolsman, J.J.G. (1999). Modelling the geochemistry of trace metals in the Scheldt estuary, in: Zwolsman, J.J.G. Geochemisch gedrag van zware metalen in het Schelde-estuarium = Geochemistry of trace metals in the Scheldt estuary. Geologica Ultraiectina, 171: pp. 143-150, meer
- Zwolsman, J.J.G. (1999). Present-day trace metal geochemistry in the Scheldt estuary, in: Zwolsman, J.J.G. Geochemisch gedrag van zware metalen in het Schelde-estuarium = Geochemistry of trace metals in the Scheldt estuary. Geologica Ultraiectina, 171: pp. 151-163, meer
- Zwolsman, J.J.G.; Berger, G.W.; van Eck, G.Th.M. (1999). Historical input, mobility and retention of major elements and trace metals in salt marshes of the Scheldt estuary, in: Zwolsman, J.J.G. Geochemisch gedrag van zware metalen in het Schelde-estuarium = Geochemistry of trace metals in the Scheldt estuary. Geologica Ultraiectina, 171: pp. 91-112, meer
- Zwolsman, J.J.G.; de Lange, G.J.; van Eck, G.Th.M. (1999). Diagenetic trace metal mobilisation in sediments of the Scheldt estuary, in: Zwolsman, J.J.G. Geochemisch gedrag van zware metalen in het Schelde-estuarium = Geochemistry of trace metals in the Scheldt estuary. Geologica Ultraiectina, 171: pp. 113-141, meer
- Zwolsman, J.J.G.; van Eck, G.Th.M.; Burger, G. (1999). Spatial and temporal distribution of trace metals in sediments of the Scheldt estuary, in: Zwolsman, J.J.G. Geochemisch gedrag van zware metalen in het Schelde-estuarium = Geochemistry of trace metals in the Scheldt estuary. Geologica Ultraiectina, 171: pp. 67-89, meer
- Zwolsman, J.J.G.; van Eck, G.Th.M.; van der Weijden, C.H. (1999). Geochemistry of dissolved trace metals (Cd, Cu, Zn) in the Scheldt estuary, in: Zwolsman, J.J.G. Geochemisch gedrag van zware metalen in het Schelde-estuarium = Geochemistry of trace metals in the Scheldt estuary. Geologica Ultraiectina, 171: pp. 23-44, meer
- Zwolsman, J.J.G.; van Eck, G.Th.M. (1999). Geochemistry of major elements and trace metals in suspended matter of the Scheldt estuary, in: Zwolsman, J.J.G. Geochemisch gedrag van zware metalen in het Schelde-estuarium = Geochemistry of trace metals in the Scheldt estuary. Geologica Ultraiectina, 171: pp. 45-66, meer
- Kersten, M.; Balls, P.W.; van Enk, R.J.; Green, N.; Kramer, K.J.M.; Kriews, M.; Monteny, F.; Zwolsman, J.J.G. (1994). Background concentrations for metals in the North Sea: sediment, water, mussels and atmosphere, in: Sündermann, J. (Ed.) Circulation and contaminant fluxes in the North Sea. pp. 290-316, meer
Thesis [show] |
- Zwolsman, J.J.G. (1999). Geochemisch gedrag van zware metalen in het Schelde-estuarium = Geochemistry of trace metals in the Scheldt estuary. Geologica Ultraiectina, 171. PhD Thesis. Universiteit Utrecht: Utrecht. ISBN 90-5744-030-X. 183 pp., meer
Rapporten (2) [show] |
- van den Berg, G.; Zwolsman, G.-J. (2004). LTV O&M Schelde [= Langetermijn-Onderzoek en Monitoringprogramma]: inventarisatie van beleidsondersteunende instrumenten voor estuaria. RIZA werkdocument, 2004.041X. RIZA: Dordrecht. 22 + bijlagen pp., meer
- Zwolsman, J.J.G.; van Eck, G.Th.M. (1988). ICP-ES analyse van gevriesdroogd zwevend materiaal en bodemmonsters uit de Westerschelde. Bureau Waardenburg: Culemborg. 19 pp., meer
Overige publicaties (4) [show] |
- van Eck, G.Th.M.; Zwolsman, J.J.G. (1993). Diagenetic and sedimentary influences on trace metal distributions in sediments: Implications for reconstruction of the "pollution history", in: Heavy Metals in the Environment. , meer
- van Eck, G.Th.M.; Zwolsman, J.J.G. (1991). Behaviour of heavy metals in the Scheldt estuary, S.W. Netherlands, in: Farmer, G.J. (Ed.) Heavy metals in the environment. pp. 334-337, meer
- Zwolsman, J.J.G.; van Eck, G.Th.M. (1990). The behaviour of dissolved Cd, Cu and Zn in the Scheldt estuary, in: Michaelis, W. (Ed.) Estuarine Water Quality Management. pp. 413-420, meer
- Zwolsman, J.J.G. (1986). Nutrient biogeochemistry in estuaries, with an emphasis on the Scheldt Estuary. IVA/DGW report. Dienst der Kusthavens. Hydrografie: Utrecht. 85 pp., meer