- Creating a long term infrastructure for marine biodiversity research in the European Economic Area and the Newly Associated States, meer
- Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning - EU Network of Excellence, meer
- Modelling key aspects of marine biodiversity, meer
- Helgoland Roads Time Series, meer
- Helgoland Roads Time Series: zooplankton, meer
A1 publicaties (11) [show] |
Boersma, M.; Malzahn, A.M.; Greve, W.; Javidpour, J. (2007). The first occurrence of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in the North Sea. Helgol. Mar. Res. 61(2): 153-155. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10152-006-0055-2, meer
- Bonnet, D.; Harris, R.; Lopéz-Urrutia, A.; Halsband-Lenk, C.; Greve, W.; Valdés, L.; Hirche, H.-J.; Engel, M.; Álvarez-Ossorio, M.T.; Wiltshire, K. (2007). Comparative seasonal dynamics of Centropages typicus at seven coastal monitoring stations in the North Sea, English Channel and Bay of Biscay. Prog. Oceanogr. 72(2-3): 233–248. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2007.01.007, meer
Bonnet, D.; richardson, A.; Harris, R.; Hirst, A.; Beaugrand, G.; Edwards, M.; Ceballos, S.; Diekmann, R.; Lopéz-Urrutia, A.; Valdés, L.; Carlotti, F.; Molinero, J.C.; Weikert, H.; Greve, W.; Lucic, D.; Albania, A.; Yahia, N.D.; Fonda Umani, S.; Miranda, A.; dos Santos, A.; Cook, K.; Robinson, S.; Fernández de Puelles, M.L. (2005). An overview of Calanus helgolandicus ecology in European waters. Prog. Oceanogr. 65(1): 1-53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2005.02.002, meer
Greve, W.; Prinage, S.; Zidowitz, H.; Nast, J.; Reiners, F. (2005). On the phenology of North Sea ichthyoplankton. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 62(7): 1216-1223, meer
- Johns, D.G.; Edwards, M.; Greve, W.; SJohn, A.W.G. (2005). Increasing prevalence of the marine cladoceran Penilia avirostris (Dana, 1852) in the North Sea. Helgol. Mar. Res. 59(3): 214-218. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10152-005-0221-y, meer
Greve, W.; Reiners, F.; Nast, J.; Hoffmann, S. (2004). Helgoland Roads meso- and macrozooplankton time-series 1974 to 2004: lessons from 30 years of single spot, high frequency sampling at the only off-shore island of the North Sea. Helgol. Mar. Res. 58(4): 274-288. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10152-004-0191-5, meer
Perry, R.I.; Batchelder, H.P.; Mackas, D.L.; Chiba, S.; Durbin, E.; Greve, W.; Verheye, H.M. (2004). Identifying global synchronies in marine zooplankton populations: issues and opportunities. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 61(4): 445-456. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icesjms.2004.03.022, meer
- Krause, M.; Fock, H.; Greve, W.; Winkler, G. (2003). North Sea zooplankton: a review. Senckenb. Marit. 33(1-2): 71-204, meer
Fock, H.O.; Greve, W. (2002). Analysis and interpretation of recurrent spatio-temporal patterns in zooplankton dynamics: a case study on Noctiluca scintillans (Dinophyceae) in the German Bight (North Sea). Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 140: 59-73. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s002270100685, meer
- Greve, W.; Lange, U.; Reiners, F.; Nast, J. (2001). Predicting the seasonality of North Sea zooplankton. Senckenb. Marit. 31(2): 263-268, meer
- Greve, W. (1995). Mutual predation causes bifurcations in pelagic ecosystems: the simulation model PLITCH (Planktonic swITCH), experimental tests, and theory. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 52(3-4): 505-510, meer
Peer reviewed publicatie [show] |
- Greve, W. (1974). Planktonic spermatophores found in a culture device wit spionid polychaetes. Helgol. Wiss. Meeresunters. 26: 370-374, meer
Boekhoofdstukken (3) [show] |
- Greve, W. (2005). Biometeorology of North Sea appendicularians, in: Gorsky, G. et al. Response of marine ecosystems to global change: ecological impact of appendicularians. pp. 277-290, meer
- Greve, W.; Reiners, F. (1995). Biocoenotic process patterns in the German Bight, in: Eleftheriou, A. et al. (Ed.) Biology and ecology of shallow coastal waters. Proceedings of the 28th European Marine Biological Symposium, Crete, Greece, 23-28 September 1993. International Symposium Series, : pp. 67-71, meer
- Greve, W. (1981). Invertebrate predator control in a coastal marine ecosystem: the significance of Beroe gracilis (Ctenophora), in: Rheinheimer, G. et al. (Ed.) Lower Organisms and their Role in the Food Web: Proceedings of the 15th European Marine Biology Symposium, Kiel, Damp 2000, Federal Republic of Germany (September 29-October 3, 1980). Kieler Meeresforschungen. Sonderheft, 5: pp. 211-217, meer
Abstract [show] |
- Greve, W. (2004). Communicating the properties of marine organisms as the second dimension of marine biodiversity, in: Ocean Biodiversity Informatics, Hamburg, Germany: 29 November to 1 December 2004: book of abstracts. pp. 24, meer
Rapporten (2) [show] |
Greve, W. (1993). German bight ecosystem responses to the invasion of a siphonophore. CM Documents - ICES, CM 1993(L:61). ICES: Copenhagen. 7 pp., meer
Greve, W.; Reiners, F.; Willführ-Nast, J. (1993). Gelatinous zooplankton systems ecology in German Bight. CM Documents - ICES, CM 1993(L:60). ICES: Copenhagen. 14 pp., meer
Overige publicaties (4) [show] |
Greve, W. (1976). Verhaltenweisen der Rippenqualle Pleurobrachia pileus (Ctenoophora). Publikationen zu Wissenschaftlichen Film Göttingen 9(1): 45-52, meer
Greve, W. (1975). Ctenophora. (Replacing sheet no. 82). Fiches d'identification du zooplancton, 146. ICES: Copenhagen. 6 pp., meer
- Greve, W. (1974). Organisation der Rippenqualle Pleurobranchia pileus (Ctenophora). Publ. Wiss. Film, sekt. Biologie 7(3): 288-298, meer
Greve, W. (1967). De Rippenquallen der südlichen Nordsee und ihre interspezifischen Relationen. Publikationen zu Wissenschaftlichen Film Göttingen 9(1): 53-62, meer