He is an expert concerning impacts and adaptation to climate change in coastal areas, including assessment methods and has been involved in projects at local, national and international scales. | |
University of Southampton; Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, meer
- Innovative coastal technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate, meer
A1 publicaties (16) [show] |
Le Cozannet, G.; Nicholls, R.J.; Durand, G.; Slangen, A.B.A.; Lincke, D.; Chapuis, A. (2023). Adaptation to multi-meter sea-level rise should start now. Environ. Res. Lett. 18(9): 091001. https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/acef3f, meer
- Magnan, A.K.; Bell, R.; Duvat, V.K.E.; Ford, J.D.; Garschagen, M.; Haasnoot, M.; Lacambra, C.; Losada, I.J.; Mach, K.J.; Noblet, M.; Parthasaranthy, D.; Sanò, M.; Vincent, K.; Anisimov, A.; Hanson, S.; Malmström, A.; Nicholls, R.J.; Winter, G. (2023). Status of global coastal adaptation. Nat. Clim. Chang. 13(11): 1213-1221. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41558-023-01834-x, meer
Turner, F.E.; Malagon Santos, V.; Edwards, T.L.; Slangen, A.B.A.; Nicholls, R.J.; Le Cozannet, G.; O’Neill, J.F.; Adhikari, M. (2023). Illustrative multi‐centennial projections of global mean sea‐level rise and their application. Earth's Future 11(12): e2023EF003550. https://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2023ef003550, meer
Durand, G.; van den Broeke, M.R.; Le Cozannet, G.; Edwards, T.L.; Holland, P.R.; Jourdain, N.C.; Marzeion, B.; Mottram, R.; Nicholls, R.J.; Pattyn, F.; Paul, F.; Slangen, A.B.A.; Winkelmann, R.; Burgard, C.; van Calcar, C.J.; Barré, J.-B.; Bataille, A.; Chapuis, A. (2022). Sea-level rise: From global perspectives to local services. Front. Mar. Sci. 8: 709595. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.709595, meer
Bamunawala, J.; Ranasinghe, R.; Dastgheib, A.; Nicholls, R.J.; Murray, A.B.; Barnard, P.L.; Sirisena, T.A.J.G.; Duong, T.M.; Hulscher, S.J.M.H.; van der Spek, A. (2021). Twenty-first-century projections of shoreline change along inlet-interrupted coastlines. NPG Scientific Reports 11(1): 14038. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-93221-9, meer
Lazarus, E.D.; Aldabet, S.; Hill, C.T.; Nicholls, R.J.; French, J.R.; Brown, S.; Tompkins, E.L.; Haigh, I.D.; Townend, I.H.; Penning-Rowsell, E.C. (2021). The UK needs an open data portal dedicated to coastal flood and erosion hazard risk and resilience. Anthropocene Coasts 4(1): 137-146. https://dx.doi.org/10.1139/anc-2020-0023, meer
- Nicholls, R.J.; Lincke, D.; Hinkel, J.; Brown, S.; Vafeidis, A.T.; Meyssignac, B.; Hanson, S.E.; Merkens, J.-L.; Fang, J. (2021). A global analysis of subsidence, relative sea-level change and coastal flood exposure. Nat. Clim. Chang. 11(4): 338-342. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41558-021-00993-z, meer
- Hinkel, J.; Aerts, J.C.H.J.; Brown, S.; Jiménez, J.A.; Lincke, D.; Nicholls, R.J.; Scussolini, P.; Sánchez-Arcilla, A.; Vafeidis, A.; Appeaning-Addo, K. (2018). The ability of societies to adapt to twenty-first-century sea-level rise. Nat. Clim. Chang. 8(7): 570-578. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41558-018-0176-z, meer
- Schuerch, M.; Spencer, T.; Temmerman, S.; Kirwan, M.L.; Wolff, C.; Lincke, D.; McOwen, C.J.; Pickering, M.D.; Reef, R.; Vafeidis, A.T.; Hinkel, J.; Nicholls, R.J.; Brown, S. (2018). Future response of global coastal wetlands to sea-level rise. Nature (Lond.) 561(7722): 231-234. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41586-018-0476-5, meer
le Cozannet, G.; Nicholls, R.J.; Hinkel, J.; Sweet, W.V.; McInnes, K.L.; Van de Wal, R.S.E.; Slangen, A.B.A.; Lowe, J.A.; White, K.D. (2017). Sea Level Change and Coastal Climate Services: The Way Forward. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 5(4): 49. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/jmse5040049, meer
Wahl, T.; Haigh, I.D.; Nicholls, R.J.; Arns, A.; Dangendorf, S.; Hinkel, J.; Slangen, A.B.A. (2017). Understanding extreme sea levels for broad-scale coastal impact and adaptation analysis. Nature Comm. 8: 16075. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms16075, meer
- Monbaliu, J.; Chen, Z.; Felts, D.; Ge, J.; Hissel, F.; Kappenberg, J.; Narayan, S.; Nicholls, R.J.; Ohle, N.; Schuster, D.; Sothmann, J.; Willems, P. (2014). Risk assessment of estuaries under climate change: lessons from Western Europe. Coast. Eng. 87: 32-49. https://hdl.handle.net/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2014.01.001, meer
- Narayan, S.; Nicholls, R.J.; Clarke, D.; Hanson, S.; Reeve, D.; Horrillo-Caraballo, J.; le Cozannet, G.; Hissel, F.; Kowalska, B.; Parda, R.; Willems, P.; Ohle, N.; Zanuttigh, B.; Losada, I.; Ge, J.; Trifonova, E.; Penning-Rowsell, E.; Vanderlinden, J.P. (2014). The SPR systems model as a conceptual foundation for rapid integrated risk appraisals: Lessons from Europe. Coast. Eng. 87: 15-31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2013.10.021, meer
- Weisse, R.; Bellafiore, D.; Menéndez, M.; Méndez, F.; Nicholls, R.J.; Umgiesser, G.; Willems, P. (2014). Changing extreme sea levels along European coasts. Coast. Eng. 87: 4-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2013.10.017, meer
- Zanuttigh, B.; Simcic, D.; Bagli, S.; Bozzeda, F.; Pietrantoni, L.; Zagonari, F.; Hoggart, S.; Nicholls, R.J. (2014). THESEUS decision support system for coastal risk management. Coast. Eng. 87: 218-239. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2013.11.013, meer
- Kebede, A. S.; Nicholls, R. J.; Hanson, S.; Mokrech, M. (2012). Impacts of climate change and sea-level rise: a preliminary case study of Mombasa, Kenya. J. Coast. Res. 28(1A): 8-19. https://dx.doi.org/10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-10-00069.1, meer
Boek [show] |
- Burcharth, H.F.; Zanuttigh, B.; Thompson, R.C.; Nicholls, R.J.; Vanderlinden, J.P. (Ed.) (2015). Coastal risk management in a changing climate. Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann: Amsterdam. ISBN 978-0-12-397310-8. 670 pp., meer
Boekhoofdstukken (2) [show] |
- Woodroffe, C.D.; Nicholls, R.J.; Burkett, V.; Forbes, D.L. (2014). The impact of climate change on coastal ecosystems, in: Bowen, R.E. et al. (Ed.) Oceans and human health: Implications for society and well-being. pp. 141-176, meer
- Brown, S.; Nicholls, R.J.; Woodroffe, C.D.; Hanson, S.; Hinkel, J.; Kebede, A. S.; Neumann, B.; Vafeidis, A.T. (2013). Sea-level rise impacts and responses: A global perspective, in: Finkl, C.W. (Ed.) Coastal hazards. Coastal Research Library, 6: pp. 117-149. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-5234-4_5, meer