Laura Airoldi is Assistant Professor in Ecology, expert of responses of biodiversity to global and local environmental changes and ecosystem functioning Marina A. Colangelo is Researcher in Ecology with focus on the ecology of estuarine and marine benthic invertebrates. | |
- University of Bologna; Research Center for Environmental Sciences; Laboratory of Experimental Ecology (LES), meer
Functie: Researcher
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Tel.: +39-0544-93 73 14
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- University of Bologna; Department of Experimental Evolutionary Biology (BES), meer
Functie: Onderzoeker
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Tel.: +39-0544-93 73 14
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- Identifying relationships between ecosystem attributes (diversity, functioning and services) and human pressures in salt marshes, meer
- Innovative coastal technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate, meer
- Innovative Multi-purpose off-shore platforms: planning, Design and operation, meer
- Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning - EU Network of Excellence, meer
A1 publicaties (20) [show] |
- Bugnot, A.B.; Mayer-Pinto, M.; Airoldi, L.; Heery, E.C.; Johnston, E.L.; Critchley, L.P.; Strain, E.M.A.; Morris, R.L.; Loke, L.H.L.; Bishop, M.J.; Sheehan, E.V.; Coleman, R.A.; Dafforn, K.A. (2021). Current and projected global extent of marine built structures. Nature Sustainability 4(1): 33-41., meer
Gianni, F.; Bartolini, F.; Pey, A.; Laurent, M.; Martins, G.M.; Airoldi, L.; Mangialajo, L. (2017). Threats to large brown algal forests in temperate seas: the overlooked role of native herbivorous fish. NPG Scientific Reports 7(1): 13 pp., meer
- Araújo, R.M.; Assis, J.; Aguillar, R.; Airoldi, L.; Bárbara, I.; Bartsch, I.; Bekkby, T.; Christie, H.; Davoult, D.; Derrien-Courtel, S.; Fernández, C.; Fredriksen, S.; Gevaert, F.; Gundersen, H.; Le Gal, A.; Lévêque, L.; Mieszkowska, N.; Norderhaug, K.M.; Oliveira, P.; Puente, A.; Rico, J.M.; Rinde, E.; Schubert, H.; Strain, E.M.; Valero, M.; Viard, F.; Sousa-Pinto, I. (2016). Status, trends and drivers of kelp forests in Europe: an expert assessment. Biodivers. Conserv. 25(7): 1319-1348., meer
Strain, E.M.A.; van Belzen, J.; van Dalen, J.; Bouma, T.J.; Airoldi, L. (2015). Management of Local Stressors Can Improve the Resilience of Marine Canopy Algae toGlobal Stressors. PLoS One 10(3): e0120837., meer
- Wong, J.X.W.; Van Colen, C.; Airoldi, L. (2015). Nutrient levels modify saltmarsh responses to increased inundation in different soil types. Mar. Environ. Res. 104: 37–46., meer
Ferrario, F.; Beck, M.W.; Storlazzi, C.D.; Micheli, F.; Shepard, C.C.; Airoldi, L. (2014). The effectiveness of coral reefs for coastal hazard risk reduction and adaptation. Nature Comm. 5: 1-9., meer
- Stuart-Smith, R.D.; Bates, A.E.; Lefcheck, J.S.; Duffy, E.; Baker, S.C.; Thomson, R.J.; Stuart-Smith, J.F.; Hill, N.A.; Kininmoth, S.J.; Airoldi, L.; Becerro, M.A.; Campbell, S.J.; Dawson, T.P.; Navarrete, S.A.; Soler, G.A.; Strain, E.M.A.; Willis, T.J.; Edgar, G.J. (2013). Integrating abundance and functional traits reveals new global hotspots of fish diversity. Nature (Lond.) 501(7468): 539-542, + methods (12 pp)., meer
- Perkol-Finkel, S.; Ferrario, F.; Nicotera, V.; Airoldi, L. (2012). Conservation challenges in urban seascapes: promoting the growth of threatened species on coastal infrastructures. J. Appl. Ecol. 49(6): 1457-1466., meer
Airoldi, L.; Bulleri, F. (2011). Anthropogenic disturbance can determine the magnitude of opportunistic species responses on marine urban infrastructures. PLoS One 6(8): e22985., meer
- Lotze, H.K.; Coll, M.; Magera, A.M.; Ward-Paige, C.; Airoldi, L. (2011). Recovery of marine animal populations and ecosystems. Trends Ecol. Evol. 26(11): 595-605., meer
- Fauvelot, C.; Bertozzi, F.; Costntini, C.; Airoldi, L.; Abbiati, M. (2009). Lower genetic diversity in the limpet Patella caerulea on urban coastal structures compared to natural rocky habitats. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 156(11): 2313-2323., meer
- Irving, A.D.; Balata, D.; Colosio, F.; Ferrando, G.A.; Airoldi, L. (2009). Light, sediment, temperature, and the early life-history of the habitat-forming alga Cystoseira barbata. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 156(6): 1223-1231., meer
- Airoldi, L.; Balata, D.; Beck, M.W. (2008). The Gray Zone: Relationships between habitat loss and marine diversity and their applications in conservation. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 366(1-2): 8-15., meer
- Airoldi, L.; Beck, M.W. (2007). Loss, status and trends for coastal marine habitats of Europe, in: Gibson, R.N. et al. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 45. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 45: pp. 345-405, meer
Airoldi, L.; Hawkins, S.J. (2007). Negative effects of sediment deposition on grazing activity and survival of the limpet Patella vulgata. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 332: 235-240., meer
- Bulleri, F.; Airoldi, L.; Branca, G.M.; Abbiati, M. (2006). Positive effects of the introduced green alga, Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides, on recruitment and survival of mussels. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 148(6): 1213-1220., meer
- Bulleri, F.; Airoldi, L. (2005). Artificial marine structures facilitate the spread of a nonindigenous green alga, Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides, in the north Adriatic Sea. J. Appl. Ecol. 42(6): 1063-1072., meer
- Airoldi, L. (2003). The effects of sedimentation on rocky coast assemblages, in: Gibson, R.N. et al. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 41. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 41: pp. 161-236, meer
- Airoldi, L. (2001). Distribution and morphological variation of low-shore algal turfs. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 138(6): 1233-1239., meer
- Benedetti-Cecchi, L.; Pannacciulli, F.G.; Bulleri, F.; Moschella, P.S.; Airoldi, L.; Relini, G.; Cinelli, F. (2001). Predicting the consequences of anthropogenic disturbance: large-scale effects of loss of canopy algae on rocky shores. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 214: 137-150, meer
Peer reviewed publicaties (3) [show] |
Gianni, F.; Bartolini, F.; Airoldi, L.; Ballesteros, E.; Francour, P.; Guidetti, P.; Meinesz, A.; Thibaut, T.; Mangialajo, L. (2013). Conservation and restoration of marine forests in the Mediterranean Sea and the potential role of Marine Protected Areas. Adv. Oceanogr. Limnol. 4(2): 83-101., meer
- Airoldi, L.; Connell, S.D.; Beck, M.W. (2009). The loss of natural habitats and the addition of artificial substrata, in: Wahl, M. (Ed.) Marine hard bottom communities: Patterns, dynamics, diversity, and change. Ecological Studies, 206: pp. 269-280, meer
Abbiati, M.; Airoldi, L.; Castelli, A.; Cinelli, F.; Southward, A.J. (1994). Preliminary observations on a dense population of Phyllochaetopterus socialis Claparède at the sulphurous water boundary in a Mediterranean submarine cave. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 323-329, meer
Boekhoofdstukken (3) [show] |
- Hoggart, S.; Hawkins, S.J.; Bohn, K.; Airoldi, L.; van Belzen, J.; Bichot, A.; Bilton, D.T.; Bouma, T.J.; Colangelo, M.A.; Davies, A.J.; Ferrario, F.; Firth, L.; Galvan, C.; Hanley, M.; Heurtefeux, H.; Lara, J.L.; Rodriquez, I.L.; Maza, M.; Ondiviela-Eizaguirre, B.; Rundle, S.D.; Skov, M.W.; Strain, E.M.; White, A.; Zhang, L.; Zhu, Z.; Thompson, R.C. (2014). Ecological Approaches to Coastal Risk Mitigation, in: Zanuttigh, B. et al. Coastal Risk Management in a Changing Climate. pp. 171-236., meer
- Dugan, J.E.; Airoldi, L.; Chapman, M.G.; Walker, S.J.; Schlacher, T. (2011). Estuarine and coastal structures: Environmental effects, a focus on shore and nearshore structures, in: Wolanski, E. et al. (Ed.) Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science: 8. Human-induced problems (uses and abuses). pp. 17-41., meer
- Bulleri, F.; Abbiati, M.; Airoldi, L. (2006). The colonisation of human-made structures by the invasive alga Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides in the North Adriatic Sea (NE Mediterranean), in: Queiroga, H. et al. (Ed.) Marine biodiversity: patterns and processes, assessment, threats, management and conservation: Proceedings of the 38th European Marine Biology Symposium, held in Aveiro, Portugal, 8-12 September 2003. Developments in Hydrobiology, 183: pp. 263-269., meer
Abstracts (4) [show] |
Booth, A.; Van Colen, C.; Sakaguchi-Söder, K.; Sobral, P.; Airoldi, L.; Sempéré, R.; van Franeker, J.A.; Magnusson, K.; Doyle, T.; Salaverria, I.; Herzke, D.; Orbea, A.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Nies, H.; Galloway, T.; van Oyen, A. (2016). PLASTOX: Direct and indirect ecotoxicological impacts of microplastics on marine organisms, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) North Sea Open Science Conference 7-10/11/2016. Abstract Booklet. pp. 56, meer
Lo, V.; Bouma, T.; Van Colen, C.; Airoldi, L. (2016). Interactive effects of vegetation and grain size on erosion rates in salt marshes of the Northern Adriatic Sea, in: Meire, P. (Ed.) Book of abstracts: ECSA Local Meeting 2016. Estuarine Restoration: from theory to practice and back, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, 5-9 July 2016. VLIZ Special Publication, 77: pp. 37, meer
Lo, V.; Bouma, T.J.; Van Colen, C.; Airoldi, L. (2016). Quantifying resistance to erosion in salt marshes of the Northern Adriatic Sea, in: Brownlie, K. et al. (Ed.) Second Mares Conference: Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation, February 1st - 5th 2016, Olhão, Portugal: Abstract book. pp. 79, meer
Mancuso, F.P.; De Clerck, O.; Airoldi, L. (2015). Effects of local and global stressor on canopy-forming algae and their microbial community, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 20 February 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 71: pp. 88, meer
Rapport [show] |
Beck, M.W.; Brumbaugh, R.D.; Airoldi, L.; Carranza, A.; Coen, L.; Crawford, C.; Defeo, O.; Edgar, G.J.; Hancock, B.; Kay, M.; Lenihan, H.; Luckenbach, M.W.; Toropova, C.L.; Zhang, G. (2009). Shellfish reefs at risk: A global analysis of problems and solutions. The Nature Conservancy: Arlington VA. 52 pp., meer
Thesis (co-)promotor [show] |