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mevr. Grego, Mateja
    National Institute of Biology; Marine Biological Station Piran (MBS), meer
    Functie: Onderzoeksassistent
    Contact op het instituut:
    Tel.: +386-(0)59-232 930
  • A field manipulation experiment on four European beaches investigating the response of meiofauna communities to increased rainfall, meer
  • Meiobenthic And Nematode biodiversity: Unraveling Ecological and Latitudinal Aspects, meer
  • Vriser, B. & Grego, M. (2005). Meiofauna of the Gulf of Trieste (NIB-MBS database on meiofauna version 1.2). National Institute of Biology, Marine Biological Station Piran (MBS), Slovenia, meer
Thesis (co-)promotor [show]