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TROPHOS: Meiobenthos in stations 115bis in het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee (1999) [Meiobenthos at station 115bis in the Belgian Part of the North Sea (1999)]
Steyaert, M. (1999). Meiobenthos at station 115bis - bentho-pelagic coupling. Ghent University, Department of Biology, Marine Biology Section (MARBIOL), Belgium.
Onderzoeksgroep Mariene Biologie (UGent-MARBIOL), meer Beschikbaarheid:
![]() Beschrijving
The abundance, community composition and species diversity of the nematode community at a station on the Belgian Continental Shelf is documented on a monthly basis. This study was carried out as part of a PhD thesis meer
The response of a nematode community to phytoplankton sedimentation was investigated at an organically enriched station on the Belgian coast, 115 bis. Both structural (abundance, community comosition and species diversity) and functional (trophic composition) aspects of the nematode community were evaluated on a monthly basis. The phytoplankton community was analysed by examining diatoms and Phaeocystis colonies in surface waters. To assess phytoplankton sedimentation, pigment content of the sediment was determined on a regular basis. Scope Thema's: Biologie, Biologie > Benthos, Biologie > Invertebraten Kernwoorden: Marien/Kust, Continentaal plat, Meiobenthische organismen, Meiobenthos, Nematoden, ANE, België, Belgisch Continentaal Plat (BCP), ANE, België, Vlaamse Banken, ANE, België, West-Kust, Westdiep, EurOBIS calculated BBOX Geografische spreiding ANE, België, Belgisch Continentaal Plat (BCP) [Marine Regions] ANE, België, Vlaamse Banken [Marine Regions] ANE, België, West-Kust, Westdiep Stations
[Marine Regions] Station 115bis Coördinaten: Long: 2,6183; Lat: 51,1517 [WGS84] EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box Coördinaten: MinLong: 2,6184; MinLat: 51,1518 - MaxLong: 2,6184; MaxLat: 51,1518 [WGS84] Spreiding in de tijd
9 Maart 1999 - 25 Oktober 1999 Parameters
Ammonium: SANplus Flow analyser Ammonium: SANplus Flow analyser Chlorophyll: HPLC Korrelgrootte: Coulter Counter LS particle size analyzer Nitraat (NO3-): SANplus Flow analyser Nitraat (NO3-): SANplus Flow analyser Nitriet (NO2-): SANplus Flow analyser Nitriet (NO2-): SANplus Flow analyser Taxonomie: Meiobenthos density determination (variation on Vanaverbeke 2003 chp 6) Protocol extensively described in phd thesis Vanaverbeke 2003 chapter 6 (submitted) with slight variation. (1) Sampling protocol: Reineck boxcorer; 3 deployments; from each deployment 1 core 3.6 cm; vertically sliced per cm untill depth of 10 cm; fixation 4% hot (70°) neutral formaldehyde tap-water solution (2) Lab protocol: extraction centrifugation Ludox (Heip et al. 1985). (Identification is 120 ind. /slice) Taxonomie: Meiobenthos density determination (variation on Vanaverbeke 2003 chp 6) Protocol extensively described in phd thesis Vanaverbeke 2003 chapter 6 (submitted) with slight variation. (1) Sampling protocol: Reineck boxcorer; 3 deployments; from each deployment 1 core 3.6 cm; vertically sliced per cm untill depth of 10 cm; fixation 4% hot (70°) neutral formaldehyde tap-water solution (2) Lab protocol: extraction centrifugation Ludox (Heip et al. 1985). (Identification is 120 ind. /slice) Bijdrage door
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Subsidieovereenkomst ID MN/DD1/004
Gebaseerd op deze dataset
Steyaert, M. (2003). Ruimtelijke en temporele patronen van nematodengemeenschappen in de Noordzee en Westerschelde = Spatial and temporal scales of nematode communities in the North Sea and Westerschelde. PhD Thesis. Universiteit Gent: Gent. XI, 114 pp., meer
Dataset status: Afgelopen
Data type: Data
Data oorsprong: Onderzoek
Metadatarecord aangemaakt: 2004-05-10
Informatie laatst gewijzigd: 2024-02-29