Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Onderzoeksgroep Mariene Biologie (MARBIOL), meer
Functie: Bioloog - PhD
- Hogere trofische niveaus in de Zuidelijke Noordzee (TROPHOS), meer
- Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning - EU Network of Excellence, meer
- Molecular diversity of marine invertebrates, meer
- Laboratorium voor Aquatische Ecologie, KUL- Belgium. - SSD - Belgian Science Policy. Populationstructure and dispersal dynamics of Lanice conchilega - Westbanks. http://www.vliz.be/projects/westbanks/westbanks.php?module=dataset&dasid=1770, meer
- Remerie, T.; Marine Biology Section - Ugent; (2006): Dispersal of invertebrate key species based on molecular methods., meer
A1 publicaties (10) [show] |
- Gerard, K; Guilloton, E; Arnaud-Haond, S; Aurelle, D; Bastrop, R; Chevaldonne, P; Derycke, S.; Hanel, R; Lapegue, S; Lejeusne, C; Mousset, S; Ramsak, A; Remerie, T.; Viard, F; Feral, P; Chenuil, A (2013). PCR survey of 50 introns in animals: cross-amplification of homologous EPIC loci in eight non-bilaterian, protostome and deuterostome phyla. Marine Genomics 12: 1-8. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.margen.2013.10.001, meer
- Reveillaud, J.; Remerie, T.; van Soest, R.; Erpenbeck, D.; Cardenas, P.; Derycke, S.; Xavier, J.; Rigaux, A.; Vanreusel, A. (2010). Species boundaries and phylogenetic relationships between Atlanto-Mediterranean shallow-water and deep-sea coral associated Hexadella species (Porifera, Ianthellidae). Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 56(1): 104-114. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2010.03.034, meer
- Remerie, T.; Vierstraete, A.; Weekers, P.H.H.; Vanfleteren, J.R.; Vanreusel, A. (2009). Phylogeography of an estuarine mysid, Neomysis integer (Crustacea, Mysida), along the north-east Atlantic coasts. J. Biogeogr. 36(1): 39-54. dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2699.2008.01970.x, meer
- Derycke, S.; Remerie, T.; Backeljau, T.; Vierstraete, A.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vincx, M.; Moens, T. (2008). Phylogeography of the Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina species complex: evidence for long-distance dispersal, and for range expansions and restricted gene flow in the northeast Atlantic. Mol. Ecol. 17(14): 3306-3322. dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-294X.2008.03846.x, meer
- Remerie, T.; Bourgois, T.; Peelaers, D.; Vierstraete, A.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vanreusel, A. (2006). Phylogeographic patterns of the mysid Mesopodopsis slabberi (Crustacea, Mysida) in Western Europe: evidence for high molecular diversity and cryptic speciation. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 149(3): 465-481. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-005-0235-7, meer
- Remerie, T.; Gysels, E.; Vierstraete, A.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vanreusel, A. (2006). Evidence of genetic differentiation of the brackish water mysid Neomysis integer (Crustacea, Mysida) concordant with pleistocene glaciations. Vie Milieu (1980) 56(1): 15-22, meer
- Remerie, T.; Bourgois, T.; Peelaers, D.; Vierstraete, A.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vanreusel, A. (2006). Phylogeographic patterns of the mysid Mesopodopsis slabberi (Crustacea, Mysida) in Western Europe: evidence for high molecular diversity and cryptic speciation. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 149(3): 465-481. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-005-0235-7, meer
- Derycke, S.; Remerie, T.; Vierstraete, A.; Backeljau, T.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vincx, M.; Moens, T. (2005). Mitochondrial DNA variation and cryptic speciation within the free-living marine nematode Pellioditis marina. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 300: 91-103. dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps300091, meer
- Remerie, T.; Bourgois, T.; Vanreusel, A. (2005). Morphological differentiation between geographically separated populations of Neomysis integer and Mesopodopsis slabberi (Crustacea, Mysida). Hydrobiologia 549(1): 239-250. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10750-005-5438-x, meer
- Remerie, T.; Bulckaen, B.; Calderon, J.; Deprez, T.; Mees, J.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vanreusel, A.; Vierstraete, A.; Vincx, M.; Wittmann, K.J.; Wooldridge, T. (2004). Phylogenetic relationships within the Mysidae (Crustacea, Peracarida, Mysida) based on nuclear 18S ribosomal RNA sequences. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 32(3): 770-777, meer
Peer reviewed publicatie [show] |
Reveillaud, J.; Remerie, T.; van Soest, R.; Vanreusel, A.; Henriet, JP. (2006). Genetic diversity study of broad range sponge taxa for new insights into the connectivity of cold-water coral reefs along the European margins. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 8: 04509, meer
Boekhoofdstukken (9) [show] |
Derycke, S.; Remerie, T.; Vierstraete, A.; Backeljau, T.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vincx, M.; Moens, T. (2007). Mitochondrial DNA variation and cryptic speciation within the free-living marine nematode Pellioditis marina, in: Derycke, S. Patronen en processen in de genetische structuur van twee mariene nemarodentaxa Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina and Halomonhystera disjuncta): een moleculaire, morfologische en experimentele benadering = Patterns and processes in the genetic structure of two marine nematode taxa (Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina and Halomonhystera disjuncta): a molecular, morphology and experimental approach. pp. 15-39, meer
Derycke, S.; Remerie, T.; Vierstraete, A.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vincx, M.; Moens, T. (2007). Phylogeography of the Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina species complex: evidence for cosmopolitanism, restricted gene flow, recent range expansions and accelerated evolution, in: Derycke, S. Patronen en processen in de genetische structuur van twee mariene nemarodentaxa Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina and Halomonhystera disjuncta): een moleculaire, morfologische en experimentele benadering = Patterns and processes in the genetic structure of two marine nematode taxa (Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina and Halomonhystera disjuncta): a molecular, morphology and experimental approach. pp. 179-205, meer
- Vanaverbeke, J.; Courtens, W.; Deneudt, K.; Franco, M.A.; Gysels, E.S.; Hellemans, B.; Huyse, T.; Larmuseau, M.; Mees, J.; Moodley, L.; Pampoulie, C.; Provoost, P.; Remerie, T.; Soetaert, K.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Van de walle, M.; van Oevelen, D.; Volckaert, F.A.M.; Vincx, M. (2007). TROPHOS: Fundamental research for policy and sustainable management, in: Calewaert, J.-B. et al. (Ed.) Science and sustainable management of the North Sea: Belgian case studies. pp. 21-81, meer
- Remerie, T.; Gysels, E.S.; Vierstraete, A.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vanreusel, A. (2006). Evidence of genetic differentiation of the brackish water mysid Neomysis integer (Crustacea, Mysida) concordant with Pleistocene glaciations: pilot study, in: Remerie, T. (2005). Molecular diversity and population structure of two mysid taxa along European coasts = Moleculaire diversiteit en populatiestructuur van twee taxa aasgarnalen langsheen Europese kusten. pp. 39-52, meer
- Remerie, T.; Vierstraete, A.; Peelaers, D.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vanreusel, A. (2005). Patterns of genetic diversity, contemporary gene flow and postglacial colonisation history of a low dispersal mysid, Neomysis integer (Crustacea, Mysida), along the northeast Atlantic coasts, in: Remerie, T. Molecular diversity and population structure of two mysid taxa along European coasts = Moleculaire diversiteit en populatiestructuur van twee taxa aasgarnalen langsheen Europese kusten. pp. 53-85, meer
- Remerie, T.; Bourgois, T.; Murray, K.; Peelaers, D.; Vierstraete, A.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vanreusel, A. (2005). Phylogeographic patterns within the mysid Mesopodopsis slabberi (Crustacea, Mysida): evidence for high molecular diversity and cryptic speciation, in: Remerie, T. Molecular diversity and population structure of two mysid taxa along European coasts = Moleculaire diversiteit en populatiestructuur van twee taxa aasgarnalen langsheen Europese kusten. pp. 87-120, meer
- Remerie, T.; Peelaers, D.; Vierstraete, A.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vanreusel, A. (2005). Patterns of genetic diversity of the brackish water mysid Neomysis integer (Crustacea, Mysida) within the Westerschelde estuary: panmictic population or local differentiation in a highly variable environment?, in: Remerie, T. Molecular diversity and population structure of two mysid taxa along European coasts = Moleculaire diversiteit en populatiestructuur van twee taxa aasgarnalen langsheen Europese kusten. pp. 121-143, meer
- Remerie, T.; Bulckaen, B.; Calderon, J.; Deprez, T.; Mees, J.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vanreusel, A.; Vierstraete, A.; Vincx, M.; Wittmann, K.J.; Wooldridge, T. (2005). Phylogenetic relationships within the Mysidae (Crustacea, Peracarida, Mysida) based on nuclear 18S ribosomal RNA sequences, in: Remerie, T. Molecular diversity and population structure of two mysid taxa along European coasts = Moleculaire diversiteit en populatiestructuur van twee taxa aasgarnalen langsheen Europese kusten. pp. 25-38, meer
- Remerie, T.; Bourgois, T.; Vanreusel, A. (2005). Morphological differentiation between geographically separated populations of Neomysis integer and Mesopodopsis slabberi (Crustacea, Mysida), in: Remerie, T. Molecular diversity and population structure of two mysid taxa along European coasts = Moleculaire diversiteit en populatiestructuur van twee taxa aasgarnalen langsheen Europese kusten. pp. 145-174, meer
Thesissen (2) [show] |
Remerie, T. (2005). Molecular diversity and population structure of two mysid taxa along European coasts = Moleculaire diversiteit en populatiestructuur van twee taxa aasgarnalen langsheen Europese kusten. PhD Thesis. Universiteit Gent. Vakgroep Biologie, sectie Mariene Biologie: Gent. 209 pp., meer
- Remerie, T. (1999). Voedingsecologie van Mysidacea in estuaria. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent. Mariene Biologie. Instituut voor Dierkunde. Vakgroep Morfologie, Systematiek en Ecologie: Gent. 61 pp., meer
Abstracts (2) [show] |
Demaerel, V.; Degraer, S.; Vincx, M.; Remerie, T. (2008). Research into the distribution of the genus Bathyporeia (Crustacea, Amphipoda) by means of molecular markers, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium, 29 February 2008: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 40: pp. 2-3, meer
Remerie, T.; Vanreusel, A.; Vanfleteren, J. (2001). Molecular diversity and population structure of three different marine benthic taxa in relation to their means of dispersal, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 54, meer
Rapporten (4) [show] |
Vanaverbeke, J.; Braarup, A.B.; Braeckman, U.; Courtens, W.; Cuveliers, E.; Deneudt, K.; Goffin, A.; Hellemans, B.; Huyse, T.; Lacroix, G.; Larmuseau, M.; Mees, J.; Provoost, P.; Rabaut, M.; Remerie, T.; Savina, M.; Soetaert, K.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Verstraete, H.; Volckaert, F.; Vincx, M. (2011). Understanding benthic, pelagic and airborne ecosystem interactions in shallow coastal seas. "Westbanks": Final Report. Belgian Science Policy Office: Brussels. 82 pp., meer
- Vanaverbeke, J.; Braeckman, U.; Cuveliers, E.L.; Courtens, W.; Huyse, T.; Lacroix, G.; Larmuseau, M.H.D.; Maes, G.E.; Provoost, P.; Rabaut, M.; Remerie, T.; Savina, M.; Soetaert, K.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Verstraete, H.; Volckaert, F.A.M.; Vincx, M. (2009). Understanding benthic, pelagic and airborne ecosystem interactions in shallow coastal seas. "Westbanks": Final Report Phase 1. Belgian Science Policy: Brussel. 46 pp., meer
- Vanaverbeke, J.; Franco, M.A.; Remerie, T.; Vanreusel, A.; Vincx, M.; Moodley, L.; Soetaert, K.; van Oevelen, D.; Courtens, W.; Stienen, E.; Van de walle, M.; Deneudt, K.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Draisma, S.; Hellemans, B.; Huyse, T.; Volckaert, F.A.M.J.; Van den Eynde, D. (2007). Higher trophic levels in the southern North Sea “TROPHOS”: Final report EV/25. Belgian Science Policy: Brussel. 89 pp., meer
- Volckaert, F.A.M.J.; Remerie, T.; Hellemans, B.; Pampoulie, C. (2003). Life history and dispersal of selected key species, in: Hogere trofische niveaus in de Zuidelijke Noordzee 'TROPHOS': wetenschappelijk verslag voor de periode van 01/02/2002-31/01/2003. pp. 9-17, meer
Overige publicatie [show] |
- Demaerel, V.; Degraer, S.; Vincx, M.; Remerie, T. (2008). Research into the distribution of the genus Bathyporeia (Crustacea, Amphipoda) by means of molecular markers. Ghent University: Gent. , meer
Thesis (co-)promotor (3) [show] |