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Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the Norwegian Deep and Skagerrak, 1984-2017
Søvik, Guldborg; Thangstad, Trude Hauge (2018): Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the Norwegian Deep and Skagerrak, 1984-2017.
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The survey data consist of: 1) one time series from 1984-2002 (October/November) using R/V Michael Sars and the Campelen-trawl; 2) a point estimate for 2003 (October) as R/V Michael Sars was taken out of service and substituted with R/V Håkon Mosby, whose winches at that time were not powerful enough for the Campelen-trawl, resulting in the survey being conducted with the Shrimp trawl 1420; 3) a start of a potential new time series as the survey in both 2004 and 2005 was conducted in May/June with R/V Håkon Mosby using the standard Campelen trawl; and 4) one time series from 2006 until present (January/February), using R/V Håkon Mosby and the Campelen trawl. From 2017 R/V Håkon Mosby has been substituted with R/V Kristine Bonnevie. In 2016, there were technical problems with the survey trawl (unequal wire lengths of the trawl gear) and this year’s data are considered to be non-representative of the stock status. Scope Thema's: Biologie > Benthos Kernwoorden: Marien/Kust, Haakon Mosby, Kristine Bonnevie, Michael Sars, research vessel, Tijdreeks, ANE, Noordzee, ANE, Skagerrak, EurOBIS calculated BBOX, Pandalus borealis Krøyer, 1838 Geografische spreiding ANE, Noordzee [Marine Regions] ANE, Skagerrak [Marine Regions] EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box Coördinaten: MinLong: -0,2333; MinLat: 57,4383 - MaxLong: 10,97; MaxLat: 59,9267 [WGS84] Spreiding in de tijd
Vanaf 1984 [Gestart] Jaarlijks Taxonomic coverage
Pandalus borealis Krøyer, 1838 [WoRMS]
Bijdrage door
Institute of Marine Research (IMR), meer, data creator
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Gepubliceerd in: EurOBIS: European Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer
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(2016). NAFO/ICES Pandalus Assessment Group Meeting, 7–14 September 2016, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway. Scientific council studies. Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 16/17. CM Documents - ICES, CM 2016(ACOM:15). 65, annexes, appendices pp., meer
Søvik, G.; Thangstad, T.H. (2016). Results of the Norwegian Bottom Trawl Survey for Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis)in Skagerrak and the Norwegian Deep (ICESDivisions IIIa and IVa east) in 2015 . Scientific Council Reports. Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 16/053. Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization: Canada. 30 pp., meer
Knutsen, H. et al. (2015). Does population genetic structure support present management regulations of the northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in Skagerrak and the North Sea? ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 72(3): 863-871., meer
Tveite, S. (2000). Suitability of a fixed station shrimp abundance survey in the Skagerrak-Norwegian deeps for stock assessments and associated research. J. Northwest Atl. Fish. Sci. 27: 177-182, meer
Beschrijft deze dataset
Thangstad, T.H. et al. (2016). Toktrapport. Reketokt i Norskerenna og Skagerrak, Januar 2016. Havforskningsinstituttet: Norway. 40 pp., meer
Dataset status: Gestart
Data type: Data
Data oorsprong: Monitoring: veldonderzoek
Metadatarecord aangemaakt: 2017-07-07
Informatie laatst gewijzigd: 2022-07-20