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ChaRMS: Chinese Register of Marine Species
Xu, K., An, J., Ding, L., Dong, D., Gao, Y., Huang, Y., Jiang, W., Lei, Y., Li, K., Li, X., Li, Y., Liang, X., Lin, G., Lin, M., Liu, H., Liu, J., Liu, W., Liu, X., Lu, D., Ma, Z., Ren, X., Sha, Z., Sun, J., Sun, S., Sun, Z., Tian, L., Wang, D., Wang, J., Wu, X., Xia, B., Xiao, N., Yin, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, S., Zhang, X., Zhao, E., Zheng, X., Zhou, H., Zhou, J. & Zhou, K. (2025). Chinese Register of Marine Species. Accessed at on yyyy-mm-dd.
Contact: Xu, Kuidong

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Specifieke website
Beschikbaarheid: Creative Commons License Deze dataset valt onder een Creative Commons Naamsvermelding 4.0 Internationaal-licentie.

A checklist of marine Chinese species, compiled by taxonomic experts and based on peer-reviewed literature. meer

The geographic scope of ChaRMS is the marine species occurring in the Exclusive Economic Zone of China.
The starting point of this database was the checklist of biota of seas around China (Liu 2008). Liu (2008) described the geographic area as "The seas surrounding China mainland and the southern islands and reefs, situated at the low and mid-latitude of the planet, cover a great range across 37 latitudes (3°30′-40°50′N) of tropical, subtropical and warm-temperate climate zones, and with widest continental shelf in the east.

Biologie, Biologie > Ecologie - biodiversiteit
Marien/Kust, Classificatie, Soorten, Taxonomie, China

Geografische spreiding
China Stations [Marine Regions]
Chinese Exclusive Economic Zone

Spreiding in de tijd
Vanaf 1758 [Gestart]


Bijdrage door
An, Jianmeitaxonomische editordata creator
Ding, Lanpingtaxonomische editordata creator
Dong, Dongtaxonomische editordata creator
Gao, Yahuitaxonomische editordata creator
Jiang, Weitaxonomische editordata creator
Lei, Yanlitaxonomische editordata creator
Li, Kaizhitaxonomische editordata creator
Li, Xinzhengtaxonomische editordata creator
Li, Yangtaxonomische editordata creator
Lian, Guangshantaxonomische editor
Liang, Xiangqiutaxonomische editordata creator
Lin, Maotaxonomische editordata creator
Liu, Huiliantaxonomische editordata creator
Liu, Jingtaxonomische editordata creator
Liu, Wenliangtaxonomische editordata creator
Lu, Doudingtaxonomische editordata creator
Ma, Zhijuntaxonomische editordata creator
Sha, Zhonglitaxonomische editordata creator
Sun, Juntaxonomische editordata creator
Sun, Shichuntaxonomische editordata creator
Sun, Zhongmintaxonomische editordata creator
Tian, Litaxonomische editordata creator
Wang, Dexiangtaxonomische editordata creator
Wang, Jinbaotaxonomische editordata creator
Wu, Xuwentaxonomische editordata creator
Xia, Bangmeitaxonomische editordata creator
Xiao, Ningtaxonomische editordata creator
Xu, Kuidongtaxonomische editordata beheerderdata creator
Yin, Jianqiangtaxonomische editordata creator
Zhang, Junlongtaxonomische editordata creator
Zhang, Supingtaxonomische editordata creator
Zhang, Xiaohuataxonomische editordata creator
Zhao, Ermitaxonomische editordata creator
Zheng, Xiaodongtaxonomische editordata creator
Zhou, Hongtaxonomische editordata creator
Zhou, Jintaxonomische editordata creator
Zhou, Kaiyataxonomische editordata creator
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), meerdatabank ontwikkelaar
Huang, Yongdata creator
Liu, Xixingdata creator
Ren, Xianqiudata creator

Gerelateerde datasets
Gepubliceerd in:
WoRMS: World Register of Marine Species, meer

Gebaseerd op deze dataset
Liu, R. (2008). Checklist of marine biota of China Seas. Science Press: Beijing. ISBN 978-7-03-023722-4. 1267 pp., meer

Dataset status: Gestart
Data type: Data
Data oorsprong: Literatuurstudie
Metadatarecord aangemaakt: 2016-05-12
Informatie laatst gewijzigd: 2025-01-14
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