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Eastern Channel dataset
Dewarumez J.-M. & Desroy N. - 2000. Eastern Channel dataset. Station Marine de Wimereux, France.

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Beschikbaarheid: Creative Commons License Deze dataset valt onder een Creative Commons Naamsvermelding 4.0 Internationaal-licentie.

Nota: Release with permission of the appropriate parties

Data comprised a regular grid extending into the English Channel, including UK waters. In total, 15 stations were sampled for macrobenthos.

Prior to publication data undergo quality control checked which are described in

Biologie > Benthos, Biologie > Ecologie - biodiversiteit
Marien/Kust, Biodiversiteit, Biogeografische gebieden, Biota, Geen beperkingen op publieke toegang, Geowetenschappelijke informatie, Habitats en biotopen, Macrobenthos, Metadata niet conform, Metadata niet gecontroleerd, Milieu, Oceanen, WGS84 (EPSG:4326), XYZ ASCII, Zeegebieden, Zoöbenthos, ANE, Kanaal, EurOBIS calculated BBOX

Geografische spreiding
ANE, Kanaal [Marine Regions]
EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box
Coördinaten: MinLong: 0,9986; MinLat: 50,0019 - MaxLong: 2,4998; MaxLat: 51,5015 [WGS84]

Spreiding in de tijd
Maart 2002
Niet relevant

Aantallen (geteld)
Abundance of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit area of the bed [BODC]
Description of grain-size kurtosis of sediment by classification to a term from the Geo-Seas Particle Size Kurtosos Vocabulary (SDN:GS6::) [BODC]
Description of grain-size skewness of sediment by classification to a term from the Geo-Seas Particle Size Skewness Vocabulary (SDN:GS5::) [BODC]
Description of lithology of sediment by visual estimation [BODC]
Grain-size kurtosis of particles in sediment by particle sizer [BODC]
Grain-size mode of particles in sediment by particle sizer [BODC]
Grain-size skewness of particles in sediment by particle sizer [BODC]
Proportion by weight or volume of particles (0-63um) in the sediment [BODC]
Proportion by weight or volume of particles (1000-2000um) in the sediment [BODC]
Proportion by weight or volume of particles (2000-4000um) in the sediment [BODC]
Proportion by weight or volume of particles (4000-8000um) in the sediment [BODC]
Proportion by weight or volume of particles (500-1000um) in the sediment [BODC]
Proportion by weight or volume of particles (8000-16000um) in the sediment [BODC]

Bijdrage door
Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille; Station Marine de Wimereux (INSU/CNRS), meerdata eigenaardata beheerderdata creator
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), meerdata beheerder

Gerelateerde datasets
Gepubliceerd in:
EurOBIS: European Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer
NSBP: North Sea Benthos Project, meer

NSBP: North Sea Benthos Project, meer

Dataset status: Afgelopen
Data type: Data
Data oorsprong: Onderzoek
Datum van vrijgave: 2009-02-26
Metadatarecord aangemaakt: 2008-11-20
Informatie laatst gewijzigd: 2025-03-26
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