English name: Research group Archaeology
Parent institute: Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte (UGent), more
MRG keywords (2) : Archaeology; History
Address: Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 35 - Ufo
B-9000 Gent Belgium
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Type: Scientific
1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Associated to an institute part (3) |
Child institutes (3) |
Top | Persons | Publications | Project |
- Universiteit Gent; Henri Pirenne Institute for Medieval Studies (UGent-HPIMS), more
- Universiteit Gent; Historische Archeologie van NW-Europa (UGent), more
- Universiteit Gent; Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology of NW Europe (UGent), more
Abstract: |
The department of Archaeology is composed out of five research units which perform archaeological research with a focus on different time periods.
For the prehistory and medieval historical periods, several research topics with a specific focus on the coastal area are studied. It concerns the following themes:
- an archaeological survey of the land-sea transition zone at Doelpolder Noord: impact of sea level rises on the palaeolandscape and human occupation from Prehistory to the Middle Ages;
- long distance raw material distribution in the Mesolithic of the southern North Sea basin;
- the late medieval and early post-medieval settlement of Middelburg (Flanders);
- medieval Bruges and its associated ports: a landscape-archaeological approach to the Zwin-debate;
- a multidisciplinary investigation of the consumption of ceramics in the Zwin-Scheldt estuaries during the 15th - 18th centuries AD.
Publications (71) |
Top | Persons | Institutes | Project |
( 49 peer reviewed ) split up filter
- Alessandri, L.; Attema, P.A.J.; Bulian, F.; Sevink, J.; De Neef, W.; Baiocchi, V.; Rolfo, M.F.; Cifani, G.; Ceccato, Z.L.A.; Cusimano, L.; De Vos, M.; Di Giacomo, L.; Fiorillo, A.; Gianni, V.; Improta, C.; Rossi, C.; Ter Horst, Y.; Vagliviello, S. (2024). Salt in Late Iron Age Italy. A multidisciplinary approach to the exploration of Italy's coastal exploitation sites: Piscina Torta (Ostia, Rome) case study. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 53: 104361. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2023.104361, more
- André, C.; de Ruijsscher, D.; Poulain, M.; Trachet, J.; De Clercq, W.; Bogemans, F.; Storme, A.; Sabbe, K; Van de Vijver, B.; Allemeersch, L.; D'hondt, F.; Louwye, S. (2024). A medieval embankment near the lost harbour of Mude (Zeeland, the Netherlands): A palaeoenvironmental reconstruction based on palynology and diatom analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 55: 104520. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2024.104520, more
- André, C.; Bogemans, F.; Sabbe, K; Van de Vijver, B.; Storme, A.; Allemeersch, L.; De Clercq, W.; Trachet, J.; Poulain, M.; Louwye, S. (2024). The palaeoecological conditions of the tidal channel network of the Zwin region (Flanders, Belgium). Geol. Belg. 27(1-2): 87-102. https://dx.doi.org/10.20341/gb.2024.007, more
- André, C.; de Ruijsscher, D.; De Clercq, W.; Bogemans, F.; Van de Vijver, B.; Storme, A.; Louwye, S. (2024). The Roman to medieval landscape transformation at Aardenburg (southern The Netherlands) based on palynology and diatom analysis. Boreas 53(1): 88-105. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/bor.12640, more
- Bogemans, F.; De Clercq, W.; Poulain, M.; Trachet, J.; Verhegge, J.; Heyvaert, V.M.A. (2024). Sedimentary and stratigraphic architecture in the geoarchaeological context of Late-Holocene deposits in the eastern coastal plain of Belgium: Zwin region - Hoeke. Holocene 34(5): 519-530. https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/09596836231225721, more
- Dekoninck, M.; Deforce, K.; Kaal, J.; Out, W.A.; Van Thienen, V.; Buyse, F.; Kubiak-Martens, L.; Tack, P.; Vincze, L.; Lycke, S.; De Clercq, W. (2024). Fuelling the Roman salt industry. Developing a new multiproxy approach to identify peat fuel from archaeological combustion residue. J. Archaeol. Sci. 161: 105892. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2023.105892, more
- Vermeersch, J. (2023). Book review - Cogs, small cogs and boats. The thirteenth until sixteenth century Dutch and Flemish archaeological finds from the Hanseatic shipbuilding tradition seen in a broader perspective. Int. J. Naut. Archaeol. 52(1): 239-240. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10572414.2023.2204673, more
- De Clercq, W.; Taelman, D.; Antonelli, F.; Briguglio, A.; de Ruijsscher, D.; Dreesen, R.; Dumolyn, J.; Fieremans, N.; Speijer, R.P.; Trachet, J.; Vermeersch, J. (2022). Two odd ones out: Mediterranean ballast stones and Italian maritime connections in the Medieval Bruges' harbor system. J. Marit. Archaeol. 17(4): 579-602. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11457-022-09344-1, more
- Dekoninck, M.; de Ruijsscher, D.; De Clercq, W. (2022). Heated crafts on the Roman shore. Revisiting the debate on the exploitation of coastal wetlands. The case of Roman Aardenburg (Zeeland, the Netherlands). Latomus 81(4): 788-818. https://dx.doi.org/10.2143/LAT.81.4.3291516, more
- Lauryssen, F.; Crombé, P.; Maris, T.; Van Maldegem, E.; Van de Broek, M.; Temmerman, S.; Smolders, E. (2022). Estimation of the natural background of phosphate in a lowland river using tidal marsh sediment cores. Biogeosciences 19(3): 763-776. https://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-19-763-2022, more
- Poulain, M. (2022). Ocean-liner ceramics: a Red Star Line assemblage in Antwerp, Belgium. Historical Archaeology 56(2): 274-300. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s41636-021-00315-2, more
- Storme, A.; Allemeersch, L.; Boudin, M.; Bourgeois, I.; Verhegge, J.; Crombé, P. (2022). Lateglacial to Middle Holocene landscape development in a small-sized river valley near Antwerp (Belgium). Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 304: 104698. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.revpalbo.2022.104698, more
- Wiseman, A.L.A.; Vicari, D.; Belvedere, M.; De Groote, I. (2022). Neolithic track sites from Formby Point, England: new data and insights. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 44: 103546. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103546, more
- Crombé, P.; Boudin, M.; Van Strydonck, M. (2021). Can calcined bones be used to date Final Palaeolithic and Mesolithic open-air sites? A case-study from the Scheldt basin (NW Belgium). J. Archaeol. Sci. 131: 105411. https://hdl.handle.net/10.1016/j.jas.2021.105411, more
- Cruz, F.; Storme, A.; Allemeersch, L.; Sergant, J.; Vandendriessche, H.; Aluwé, K.; Boudin, M.; Mikkelsen, J.; Crombé, P. (2021). Le paléoenvironnement de l’Escaut moyen sur le site de Kerkhove Stuw (Flandre Occidentale, Belgique) au cours de l’Holocène inférieure. Géomorphologie 27(4): 243-262. https://dx.doi.org/10.4000/geomorphologie.15954, more
- Verhegge, J.; Delvoie, S.; Luong, H. (2021). Direct push video imaging: an innovation in prehistoric paleolandscape survey. Archeosciences-Revue d'Archeometrie 45(1): 223-227, more
- Lischi, S.; Odelli, E.; Perumal, J.L.; Lucejko, J.J.; Ribechini, E.; Lippi, M.M.; Selvaraj, T.; Colombini, M.P.; Raneri, S. (2020). Indian Ocean trade connections: characterization and commercial routes of torpedo jars. Heritage Science 8(1): 76. https://hdl.handle.net/10.1186/s40494-020-00425-9, more
- Storme, A.; Bastiaens, J.; Crombé, P.; Cruz, F.; Louwye, S.; Verhegge, J.; Deforce, K. (2020). The significance of palaeoecological indicators in reconstructing estuarine environments: a multi-proxy study of increased Middle Holocene tidal influence in the lower Scheldt river, N-Belgium. Quat. Sci. Rev. 230: 106113. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.106113, more
- Crombé, P. (2019). Mesolithic projectile variability along the southern North Sea basin (NW Europe): hunter-gatherer responses to repeated climate change at the beginning of the Holocene. PLoS One 14(7): e0219094. https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0219094, more
- Crombé, P. (2018). Abrupt cooling events during the Early Holocene and their potential impact on the environment and human behaviour along the southern North Sea basin (NW Europe). J. Quaternary Sci. 33(3): 353-367. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jqs.2962, more
- Dekoninck, M. (2018). De Romeinse zoutproductie langs de Menapische kust: een ingenieus technologisch proces. Signa 7: 61-65, more
- Crombé, P.; Robinson, E. (2017). Human resilience to Lateglacial climate and environmental change in the Scheldt basin (NW Belgium). Quaternary International 428(Part B): 50-63. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.10.116, more
- Missiaen, T.; Jongepier, I.; Heirman, K.; Soens, T.; Gelorini, V.; Verniers, J.; Verhegge, J.; Crombé, P. (2017). Holocene landscape evolution of an estuarine wetland in relation to its human occupation and exploitation: Waasland Scheldt polders, northern Belgium. Geol. Mijnb. 96(1): 35-62. https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/njg.2016.24, more
- Trachet, J.; Poulain, M.; Delefortrie, S.; Van Meirvenne, M.; De Clercq, W. (2017). Making a mountain out of a molehill? A low-cost and time-efficient molehill survey of the lost medieval harbor site of Monnikerede, Belgium. Journal of Field Archaeology 42(6): 503-513. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00934690.2017.1383106, more
- Verhegge, J.; Saey, T.; Van Meirvenne, M.; Missiaen, T.; Crombé, P. (2017). Reconstructing Early Neolithic paleogeography: EMI-based subsurface modeling and chronological modeling of Holocene Peat below the Lower Scheldt floodplain in NW Belgium. Geoarchaeology 32(2): 159-176. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/gea.21581, more
- De Roo, B.; Van Ackere, S.; Lonneville, B.; Bourgeois, J.; De Maeyer, P. (2016). A geodata infrastructure for archaeology: flexibility in management and analysis, in: Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing, Conference Proceedings, Volume III, Cartography & GIS. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM, : pp. 561-576, more
- Saey, T.; Verhegge, J.; De Smedt, P.; Smetryns, M.; Note, N.; Van De Vijver, E.; Laloo, P.; Van Meirvenne, M.; Delefortrie, S. (2016). Integrating cone penetration testing into the 1D inversion of multi-receiver EMI data to reconstruct a complex stratigraphic landscape. Catena 147: 356-371. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2016.07.023, more
- Verhegge, J.; Missiaen, T.; Crombé, P. (2016). Exploring integrated geophysics and geotechnics as a paleolandscape reconstruction tool: archaeological prospection of (prehistoric) sites buried deeply below the Scheldt Polders (NW Belgium). Archaeological Prospection 23(2): 125-145. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/arp.1533, more
- Crombé, P.; Verhegge, J.; Deforce, K.; Meylemans, E.; Robinson, E. (2015). Wetland landscape dynamics, Swifterbant land use systems, and the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the southern North Sea basin. Quaternary International 378: 119-133. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.02.018, more
- Hoek, W.Z.; Robinson, E.; Gelorini, V. (2015). Climate impact on ecosystem changes and human responses during the Last Glacial and Early Holocene: a contribution to the INTIMATE (INTegration of Ice-core, MArine and TErrestrial records) COST Action ES0907. Quaternary International 378: 1-3. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.05.001, more
- Missiaen, T.; Verhegge, J.; Heirman, K.; Crombé, P. (2015). Potential of cone penetrating testing for mapping deeply buried palaeolandscapes in the context of archaeological surveys in polder areas. J. Archaeol. Sci. 55: 174-187. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2015.01.003, more
- Poulain, M.; De Clercq, W. (2015). Exploring an archaeology of the Dutch War of Independence in Flanders, Belgium. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 19(3): 623-646. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10761-015-0301-x, more
- Trachet, J.; Delefortrie, S.; Dombrecht, K.; Dumolyn, J.; Leloup, W.; Thoen, E.; Van Meirvenne, M.; De Clercq, W. (2015). Turning back the tide: the Zwin debate in perspective. A historiographical review of the medieval port system northeast of Bruges. Rev. Nord 97(413): 305-321, more
- Deforce, K.; Bastiaens, J.; Crombé, P. (2014). A reconstruction of middle Holocene alluvial hardwood forests (Lower Scheldt River, Northern Belgium) and their exploitation during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition period (Swifterbant culture, ca. 4,500 - 4,000 BC). Quaternaire 25(1): 9-21, more
- Verhegge, J.; Missiaen, T.; Van Strydonck, M.; Crombé, P. (2014). Chronology of wetland hydrological dynamics and the Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition along the Lower Scheldt: a Bayesian approach. Radiocarbon 56(2): 883-898. http://dx.doi.org/10.2458/56.17499, more
- Crombé, P.; Beugnier, V (2013). La fonction des industries en silex et les modalités d'occupation des territoires au Mésolithique. Le cas des zones sableuses du nord-ouest de la Belgique et des Pays-Bas (8700-5400 cal. BC) = Functional analysis of lithic assemblages and the reconstruction of Mesolithic land-use. A case study from the sandy lowlands of NW Belgium and the Netherlands (8700-5400 cal. BC). L'Anthropologie 117(2): 172-194. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anthro.2013.02.001, more
- Meylemans, E.; Bogemans, F.; Storme, A.; Perdaen, Y.; Verdurmen, I.; Deforce, K. (2013). Lateglacial and Holocene fluvial dynamics in the Lower Scheldt basin (N-Belgium) and their impact on the presence, detection and preservation potential of the archaeological record. Quaternary International 308-309: 148-161. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2013.03.034, more
- Robinson, E.; Sergant, J.; Crombé, P. (2013). Late Mesolithic armature variability in the southern North Sea basin: implications for Forager-Linearbandkeramik contact models of the transition to agriculture in Belgium and the southern Netherlands. Eur. J. Archaeol. 16(1): 3-20. dx.doi.org/10.1179/1461957112Y.0000000022, more
- Van Neer, W.; Ervynck, A.; Lentacker, A.; Bastiaens, J.; Deforce, K.; Thieren, E.; Sergant, J.; Crombé, P. (2013). Hunting, gathering, fishing and herding: Animal exploitation in Sandy Flanders (NW Belgium) during the second half of the fifth millennium BC. Env. Archaeol. 18(2): 87-101. http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/1461410313Z.00000000032, more
- Verhegge, J.; Missiaen, T.; Crombé, P. (2012). Preliminary results of an archaeological survey of the land-sea transition at Doelpolder Noord (prov. of Antwerp, B). Not. Praehistor. 32: 165-174, more
- Crombé, P.; Sergant, J.; Robinson, E.; De Reu, J. (2011). Hunter-gatherer responses to environmental change during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in the southern North Sea basin: final Palaeolithic-Final Mesolithic land use in northwest Belgium. J. Anthropol. Archaeol. 30(3): 454-471. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaa.2011.04.001, more
- De Reu, J.; Deweirdt, E.; Crombé, P.; Bats, M.; Antrop, M.; De Maeyer, P.; De Smedt, P.; Finke, P.; Van Meirvenne, M.; Verniers, J.; Zwertvaegher, A.; Bourgeois, J. (2011). Les tombelles de l'âge du bronze en Flandre sablonneuse (nord-ouest de la Belgique): un status quaestionis. Archaeol. Korresp. Bl. 41(4): 491-505, more
- Jongepier, I.; Soens , T.; Thoen, E; Van Eetvelde, V.; Crombé, P.; Bats, M. (2011). The brown gold: a reappraisal of medieval peat marshes in Northern Flanders (Belgium). Water Hist. 3(2): 73-93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12685-011-0037-4, more
- Pieters, M.; Demerre, I.; Lenaerts, T.; Zeebroek, I.; De Bie, M.; De Clercq, W.; Dickinson, B.; Monsieur, P. (2010). De Noordzee: een waardevol archief onder water. Meer dan 100 jaar onderzoek van strandvondsten en vondsten uit zee in België: een overzicht. Relicta 6: 177-218, more
- Van Neer, W.; Ervynck, A.; Monsieur, P. (2010). Fish bones and amphorae: evidence for the production and consumption of salted fish products outside the Mediterranean region. J. Roman Archaeol. 23: 161-195, more
- Vanhoutte, S.; Dhaeze, W.; De Clercq, W. (2009). The pottery consumption c AD 260-70 at the Roman coastal defence fort, Oudenburg, Northern Gaul. Journal of Roman Pottery Studies 14: 95-141. hdl.handle.net/1854/LU-735341, more
- Vanhoutte, S.; Bastiaens, J.; De Clercq, W.; Deforce, K.; Ervynck, A.; Fret, M.; Haneca, K.; Lentacker, A.; Stieperaere, H.; Van Neer, W.; Cosyns, P.; Degryse, P.; Dhaeze, W.; Dijkman, W.; Lyne, M.; Rogers, P.; van Driel-Murray, C.; van Heesch, J.; Wild, J.P. (2009). De dubbele waterput uit het laat-Romeinse castellum van Oudenburg (prov. West-Vlaanderen): tafonomie, chronologie en interpretatie. Relicta 5: 9-142, more
- De Clercq, W.; Degryse, P. (2008). The mineralogy and petrography of Low Lands Ware 1 (Roman lower Rhine–Meuse–Scheldt basin; the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany). J. Archaeol. Sci. 35(2): 448-458. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2007.04.010, more
- Vanhoutte, S.; De Clercq, W. (2006). Het Gallo-Romeins aardewerk aangetroffen tijdens het archeologisch noodonderzoek op het toekomstige bedrijventerrein Plassendale III. (Zandvoorde, stad Oostende, prov. West-Vlaanderen) opgravingscampagne 2000-2001. Relicta (Bruss.) 1: 81-120, more
- Dekoninck, M. (2023). Salt of the North: An interdisciplinary study into the technical and social organisation of Roman salt production in the Civitas Menapiorum (Gallia-Belgica). PhD Thesis. Ghent University: Gent. 480 pp. https://hdl.handle.net/1854/LU-01GXWYMQRGMMXQD9WCZCKPMCGC, more
- Vermeulen, C.; Schmid, M.; Asselman, J.; Bouman, T.; Cauberghe, V.; Couvreur, G.; De Clercq, W.; Devriese, L,; Janssen, C.; Meysman, S.; Trachet, J.; Vandamme, S.; Vermeulen, V. (2023). Are you ready for the blue transition? Increasing involvement and social acceptance for a sustainable transition at the Belgian Coast, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 1 March 2023, Bruges. VLIZ Special Publication, 90: pp. 36-37, more
- Vermeersch, J.; Poulain, M.; Trachet, J.; De Clercq, W. (2022). De verdwenen Zwinhaven van Hoeke. Ex Situ 34: 26-29, more
- De Clercq, W.; Trachet, J.; Poulain, M. (Ed.) (2021). Verdwenen Zwinhavens. Provincie West-Vlaanderen: Brugge. 231 pp., more
- Trachet, J. (2021). 1561 - De dunne lijn tussen schilderkunst en cartografie: Pieter Pourbus' geschilderde kaart van het Brugse Vrije, in: De Maeyer, P. et al. De geschiedenis van België in 100 oude kaarten. pp. 84-87, more
- De Baere, K.; Van Haelst, S.; Luyckx, D.; De Baere, S.; Boon, N.; van Halbeek, S.; Meskens, R.; Willemen, R.; Melchers, R. (2019). Corrosion of steel and other wreckage in the Belgian North Sea, in: Corrosion and Prevention Conference 2019, Melbourne, Australia, 24 - 27 November, 2019. , more
- Dekoninck, M. (2018). Roman salt production in the civitas Menapiorum. A study of the implemented technological process on the salt production sites through the analysis of the briquetage from the region Zeebrugge-Dudzele, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Bredene, Belgium, 21 March 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 80: pp. 137-138, more
- Poulain, M.; Pieters, M.; De Clercq, W. (2018). Everyday life during the siege of Ostend (1601-04): Ceramics at the Spanish St. Isabella Fort. The Medieval Low Countries 5: 211-247. https://dx.doi.org/10.1484/j.mlc.5.116546, more
- Verhegge, J.; Crombé, P.; van den Wijngaert, M. (2018). Prehistoric landscape mapping along the Scheldt by camera- and conductivity CPT-E, in: Hicks, M.A. et al. Cone Penetration Testing IV. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing (CPT'18), 21-22 June, 2018, Delft, The Netherlands. pp. 663-668, more
- Dekoninck, M. (2017). Romeinse zoutproductie in de civitas Menapiorum: Een studie naar het technologische proces op de zoutproductiesites aan de hand van het briquetage-aardewerk uit de regio Zeebrugge-Dudzele. MA Thesis. Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte: Gent. 206 pp., more
- Missiaen, T.; Heirman, K.; Jongepier, I.; Gelorini, V.; Crombé, P. (2016). Holocene landscape evolution of the Waasland Scheldt polders in relation to human occupation and exploitation, in: Baele, J.-M. et al. Proceedings of the 5th International Geologica Belgica Congress: 26–29 January 2016 – Mons, Belgium. pp. 265, more
- Missiaen, T.; Heirman, K.; Verhegge, J. (2016). Cone Penetrating Testing to map deeply buried palaeolandscapes for geo-archaeological prospection of polder areas, in: Baele, J.-M. et al. Proceedings of the 5th International Geologica Belgica Congress: 26–29 January 2016 – Mons, Belgium. pp. 266, more
- Trachet, J. (2016). Inland outports: an interdisciplinary study of medieval harbour sites in the Zwin region = Verlande voorhavens: een interdisciplinaire studie naar middeleeuwse havensites in de Zwinstreek. PhD Thesis. Universiteit Gent: Gent. XXVII, 392 pp., more
- Trachet, J.; Van den Berghe, M.; Maes, P.; Seys, J. (2016). Zwinproject: Middeleeuws Brugge en zijn voorhavens. Een landschapsarcheologische bijdrage tot het Zwindebat. Public outreach website. VLIZ Communication Award. UGent/VLIZ: Oostende. , more
- Trachet, J.; De Clercq, W.; Dombrecht, K.; Thoen, E.; Leloup, W.; Dumolyn, J.; Delefortrie, S.; Van Meirvenne, M. (2015). Het tij gekeerd? Het Zwindebat in perspectief, in: De Grote Rede 42. De Grote Rede: Nieuws over onze Kust en Zee, 42: pp. 5-11, more
- Trachet, J.; De Clercq , W. (2015). The storm surge of 1134. Disaster of none?, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 20 February 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 71: pp. 133, more
- Verhaeghe, C.; Clist, B.-O.; Fontaine, C.; Karklins, K.; Bostoen, K.; De Clercq, W. (2014). Shell and glass beads from the Tombs of Kindoki, Mbanza Nsundi, Lower Congo. BEADS 26: 23-34, more
- Verhegge, J.; Missiaen, T.; Crombé, P. (2012). An archaeological survey of the land-sea transition zone at Doelpolder Noord: impact of sea level rises on the palaeolandscape and human occupation from prehistory to the middle ages. Results of the first fieldwork campaign, in: Devleeschouwer, X. et al. Abstract Book. 4th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2012, September 11-14, Brussels, Belgium. pp. 82, more
- Goethals, T.; De Dapper, M.; Vermeulen, F. (2009). Geo-archaeological implications of river and coastal dynamics at the Potenza river mouth (The Marches, Italy), in: De Dapper, M. et al. Ol' Man River: geo-archaeological aspects of rivers and river plains. pp. 407-438, more
- Caluwé, D.; Cleeren, N.; De Clercq, W.; Gevaert, G.; Hendrikse, H.; Hillewaert, B.; Jansseune, G.; Kottman, J.; Mortier, S.; Pieters, M.; Schalm, O.; Vandevelde, J.; van Dierendonck, R.; Wouters, H.; Zeebroek, I. (2003). Glas van vissers, kooplui, monniken en heren: Middeleeuws en later glas uit het bodemarchief van kust-Vlaanderen en Zeeland. Provincie West-Vlaanderen: Brugge. 128 pp., more
- De Decker, S.; Bourgeois, J. (2000). Archeologische inventaris van de Uitkerkse Polder, (gem. Uitkerke-Blankenberge, Wenduine-De Haan, Nieuwmunster-Zuienkerke), prov. West-Vlaanderen: Deelstudie in het kader van een haalbaarheidsstudie van een natuurinrichtingsproject. Universiteit Gent: Gent. 63 pp., more
- van Strydonck, M.; de Mulder, G.; Alderweireldt, M.; Bauters, L.; Bourgeois, J.; Crombé, P.; De Clercq, W.; Ervynck, A.; Jongepier, H.; Kiden, P.; Kuipers, J.; Rogge, M.; Tijs, R.; van Dierendonck, R.; Van Neer, W.; Veeckman, J.; Verbruggen, C. (2000). De Schelde, verhaal van een rivier. Davidsfonds: Leuven. ISBN 90-5826-059-3. 176 pp., more