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Plankton biodiversity data from a LifeWatch/Jerico North Sea Cruise with R/V Simon Stevin in May 2017
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Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Belgium; Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ); Rijkswaterstaat (RWS): Netherlands; The National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS): France; (2022): Plankton biodiversity data from a LifeWatch/Jerico North Sea Cruise with R/V Simon Stevin in May 2017. Marine Data Archive.
Archived file: Availability:
![]() Description
Plankton data collected in the framework of Jerico-NEXT JRAP 1. Data were collected using different methods and sensors (fluoroprobe, flow cytometer, phytopam, FRRF, pigment analysis, zooscan). Scope Themes: Biology > Ecology - biodiversity, Biology > Pigments (e.g. chlorophyll), Biology > Plankton > Phytoplankton, Biology > Plankton > Zooplankton, Biology > Productivity - biomass, Meteorology, Physical, Water composition > Nutrients Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Data, research vessel, Simon Stevin, ANE, Belgium, Belgian Continental Shelf (BCS), ANE, British Isles, England, Thames Estuary, ANE, France, English Channel, ANE, North Sea, Southern Bight, Belgium, Upper Sea Scheldt, EurOBIS calculated BBOX, Annelida, Anomura, Appendicularia, Bacillaria J.F. Gmelin, 1788, Bacillariophyceae, Biddulphia S.F. Gray, 1821, Brachyura, Branchiopoda, Brockmanniella G.R. Hasle, H.A. von Stosch & E.E. Syvertsen, 1983, Calanoida, Cerataulina H. Peragallo ex F. Schütt in Engler & Prantl, 1896, Ceratium F.Schrank, 1793, Chaetoceros C.G. Ehrenberg, 1844, Chaetognatha, Chlorophyta, Cirripedia, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Cumacea, Cyanobacteria, Dinoflagellata, Ditylum J.W. Bailey ex L.W. Bailey, 1861, Echinodermata, Eucampia C.G. Ehrenberg, 1839, Euglenophyta, Guinardia H. Peragallo, 1892, Harpacticoida, Helicotheca M. Ricard, 1987, Lauderia P.T. Cleve, 1873, Leptocylindrus P.T. Cleve in C.G.J. Petersen, 1889, Lithodesmium C.G. Ehrenberg, 1839, Meuniera P.C. Silva in G.R. Hasle & E.E. Syvertsen, 1996, Mollusca, Mysida, Navicula J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1822, Noctiluca Suriray, 1836, Odontella C.A. Agardh, 1832, Paralia P.A.C. Heiberg, 1863, Phaeocystis Lagerheim, 1893, Porcellanidae Haworth, 1825, Protoperidinium Bergh, 1881, Pseudo-nitzschia H. Peragallo in H. Peragallo & M. Peragallo, 1900, Rhizosolenia T. Brightwell, 1858, Skeletonema R.K. Greville, 1865, Synechococcus Nägeli, 1849, Thalassionema A. Grunow ex C. Mereschkowsky, 1902, Thalassiosira P.T. Cleve, 1873 emend. Hasle, 1973, Triceratium C.G. Ehrenberg, 1839 Geographical coverage ANE, Belgium, Belgian Continental Shelf (BCS) [Marine Regions] ANE, British Isles, England, Thames Estuary [Marine Regions] ANE, France, English Channel ANE, North Sea, Southern Bight [Marine Regions] Belgium, Upper Sea Scheldt EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box Coordinates: MinLong: 0,8358; MinLat: 50,4186 - MaxLong: 3,7611; MaxLat: 52,0487 [WGS84] Temporal coverage
8 May 2017 - 12 May 2017 Taxonomic coverage
Annelida [WoRMS]
Anomura [WoRMS]
Appendicularia [WoRMS]
Bacillaria J.F. Gmelin, 1788 [WoRMS]
Bacillariophyceae [WoRMS]
Biddulphia S.F. Gray, 1821 [WoRMS]
Brachyura [WoRMS]
Branchiopoda [WoRMS]
Brockmanniella G.R. Hasle, H.A. von Stosch & E.E. Syvertsen, 1983 [WoRMS]
Calanoida [WoRMS]
Cerataulina H. Peragallo ex F. Schütt in Engler & Prantl, 1896 [WoRMS]
Ceratium F.Schrank, 1793 [WoRMS]
Chaetoceros C.G. Ehrenberg, 1844 [WoRMS]
Chaetognatha [WoRMS]
Chlorophyta [WoRMS]
Cirripedia [WoRMS]
Cnidaria [WoRMS]
Ctenophora [WoRMS]
Cumacea [WoRMS]
Cyanobacteria [WoRMS]
Dinoflagellata [WoRMS]
Ditylum J.W. Bailey ex L.W. Bailey, 1861 [WoRMS]
Echinodermata [WoRMS]
Eucampia C.G. Ehrenberg, 1839 [WoRMS]
Euglenophyta [WoRMS]
Guinardia H. Peragallo, 1892 [WoRMS]
Harpacticoida [WoRMS]
Helicotheca M. Ricard, 1987 [WoRMS]
Lauderia P.T. Cleve, 1873 [WoRMS]
Leptocylindrus P.T. Cleve in C.G.J. Petersen, 1889 [WoRMS]
Lithodesmium C.G. Ehrenberg, 1839 [WoRMS]
Meuniera P.C. Silva in G.R. Hasle & E.E. Syvertsen, 1996 [WoRMS]
Mollusca [WoRMS]
Mysida [WoRMS]
Navicula J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1822 [WoRMS]
Noctiluca Suriray, 1836 [WoRMS]
Odontella C.A. Agardh, 1832 [WoRMS]
Paralia P.A.C. Heiberg, 1863 [WoRMS]
Phaeocystis Lagerheim, 1893 [WoRMS]
Porcellanidae Haworth, 1825 [WoRMS]
Protoperidinium Bergh, 1881 [WoRMS]
Pseudo-nitzschia H. Peragallo in H. Peragallo & M. Peragallo, 1900 [WoRMS]
Rhizosolenia T. Brightwell, 1858 [WoRMS]
Skeletonema R.K. Greville, 1865 [WoRMS]
Synechococcus Nägeli, 1849 [WoRMS]
Thalassionema A. Grunow ex C. Mereschkowsky, 1902 [WoRMS]
Thalassiosira P.T. Cleve, 1873 emend. Hasle, 1973 [WoRMS]
Triceratium C.G. Ehrenberg, 1839 [WoRMS]
16S 18S 19' Hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin 19'-Butanoyloxyfucoxanthin Abundance of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the water body [BODC] Air pressure Alloxanthin Ammonia (NH3) Antheraxanthin Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll b Chlorophyll c2 Chlorophyll c3 Conductivity Count of zooplankton Diadinoxanthin Diatoxanthin Echinenone Fucoxanthine Neoxanthin Nitrate (NO3-) Nitrite (NO2-) Optical backscatter (OBS) Peridinin Phaeophorbide a Phaeophytin a Phosphate (PO43-) Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) Phytoplankton concentration & biovolume Prasinoxanthin Registered name identifier of flow cytometry cluster by classification to a term from the NVS SeaDataCloud Flow Cytometry Standardised Cluster Names Vocabulary (SDN:F02::) [BODC] Salinity Secchi depth Silicate (SiO44-) Volume of sample from the water body [BODC] Water flow Water temperature Wind direction Wind speed Zeaxanthin Contributors
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Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Monitoring: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2017-11-21
Information last updated: 2022-07-19