Wageningen University and Research Centre; Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies; Vestiging Yerseke, meer
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Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee (RIKZ), meer
- Dauwe B., Herman P. 1995: Effect of oxygen on the degradability of organic matter in subtidal and intertidal sediments of the North Sea area. Netherlands Institute of Ecology; Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology, Netherlands. Metadata available at http://mda.nioo.knaw.nl/imis.php?module=dataset&dasid=1820, meer
- Dauwe B., Herman P. 1996: Organic matter quality in North Sea sediments. Netherlands Institute of Ecology; Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology, Netherlands. Metadata available at http://mda.nioo.knaw.nl/imis.php?module=dataset&dasid=1192, meer
- Dauwe B., Herman P. 1997: Community structure and bioturbation potential of macrofauna at four North Sea stations with contrasting food supply. Netherlands Institute of Ecology; Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology, Netherlands. Metadata available at http://mda.nioo.knaw.nl/imis.php?module=dataset&dasid=1819, meer
- Dauwe B., Herman P. 1999: Linking diagenetic alteration of amino acids and bulk organic matter reactivity. Netherlands Institute of Ecology; Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology, Netherlands. Metadata available at http://mda.nioo.knaw.nl/imis.php?module=dataset&dasid=1822, meer
- dauwe B., Herman P. 1996: Enzymatically hydrolyzable amino acids in North Sea sediments and their possible implication for sediment nutritional values. Netherlands Institute of Ecology; Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology, Netherlands. Metadata available at http://mda.nioo.knaw.nl/imis.php?module=dataset&dasid=1821, meer
A1 publicaties (5) [show] |
Dauwe, B.; Middelburg, J.J.; Herman, P.M.J. (2001). Effect of oxygen on the degradability of organic matter in subtidal and intertidal sediments of the North Sea area. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 215: 13-22, meer
- Dauwe, B.; Middelburg, J.J.; Van Rijswijk, P.; Sinke, J.; Herman, P.M.J.; Heip, C.H.R. (1999). Enzymatically hydrolyzable amino acids in North Sea sediments and their possible implication for sediment nutritional values. J. Mar. Res. 57(1): 109-134. https://dx.doi.org/10.1357/002224099765038580, meer
- Dauwe, B.; Middelburg, J.J.; Herman, P.M.J.; Heip, C.H.R. (1999). Linking diagenetic alteration of amino acids and bulk organic matter reactivity. Limnol. Oceanogr. 44(7): 1809-1814, meer
- Dauwe, B.; Herman, P.M.J.; Heip, C.H.R. (1998). Community structure and bioturbation potential of macrofauna at four North Sea stations with contrasting food supply. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 173: 67-83, meer
- Dauwe, B.; Middelburg, J.J. (1998). Amino acids and hexosamines as indicators of organic matter degradation state in North Sea sediments. Limnol. Oceanogr. 43(5): 782-798. https://dx.doi.org/10.4319/lo.1998.43.5.0782, meer
Boekhoofdstukken (4) [show] |
Peters, B.; Stoorvogel, A.; Dauwe, B. (2002). The Western Scheldt: an analysis of the water level, in: ECSA Local Meeting: Ecological structures and functions in the Scheldt Estuary: from past to future, Antwerp, Belgium October 7-10, 2002: abstract book. pp. 41, meer
- Dauwe, B.; Herman, P.M.J.; Heip, C.H.R. (1999). Community structure and bioturbation potential of macrofauna at four North Sea stations with contrasting food supply, in: Dauwe, B. Organic matter quality in North Sea sediments. pp. 13-38, meer
- Dauwe, B.; Middelburg, J.J.; Van Rijswijk, P.; Sinke, J.; Herman, P.M.J.; Heip, C.H.R. (1999). Enzymatically hydrolyzable amino acids in North Sea sediments and their possible implication for sediment nutritional values, in: Dauwe, B. Organic matter quality in North Sea sediments. pp. 39-62, meer
- Dauwe, B.; Middelburg, J.J. (1998). Amino acids and hexosamines as indicators of organic matter degradation state in North Sea sediments, in: Dauwe, B. (1999). Organic matter quality in North Sea sediments. pp. 89-112, meer
Thesis [show] |
- Dauwe, B. (1999). Organic matter quality in North Sea sediments. PhD Thesis. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen: Groningen. ISBN 90-367-1039-1. 151 pp., meer
Rapporten (3) [show] |
- Dauwe, B.; Peters, B. (2003). Plan van aanpak MOVE: toeleverende studies aan het MOVE evaluatierapport 2003: evaluatierapport 2003. Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee (RIKZ): [s.l.]. 25 (7) pp., meer
Graveland, J.; Dauwe, B.; Kornman, B.A. (2002). Waardering voor de Westerschelde: Voorstel voor beoordelingscriteria gebaseerd op inventarisaties van de ecologische toestand, gebruik, beleid en beoordelingsmethoden. Rapport RIKZ = Report RIKZ, 2002.53. RIKZ: Middelburg. 93 pp., meer
Dauwe, B. (2001). Monitoring van de effecten van de verruiming 48'/ 43': samenvatting van de ontwikkelingen in de Westerschelde (tussenstand 2000). Rapport 6. Rapport RIKZ = Report RIKZ, 2001.025. Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat/RIKZ: Den Haag. 24 pp., meer
Overige publicaties (3) [show] |
Klap, V.; Martens, B.; Dauwe, B. (2001). Verdieping vaargeul Westerschelde: unieke natuurwaarden op de schop: Standpuntennotitie van de Werkgroep Schelde-estuarium. Bond Beter Leefmilieu: The Netherlands. 6 pp., meer
- Dauwe, B.; Middelburg, J.J.; Herman, P.M.J.; Heip, C.H.R. (1999). Particulate organic matter degradation in the ocean: changes in biochemical composition and reactivity are linked, in: Dauwe, B. Organic matter quality in North Sea sediments. pp. 113-120, meer
- Dauwe, B.; Middelburg, J.J.; Herman, P.M.J. (1999). Degradability of organic matter in subtidal and intertidal sediments of the North Sea area, in: Dauwe, B. Organic matter quality in North Sea sediments. pp. 63-87, meer