9h30 Registration & welcome presentation
10h00 Introduction - Blue Skills agenda
- Blue Skills in the Ocean Decade, Ann De Paepe (VUC)
- The Unknown Ocean - Blue Skills for the Ocean we want, Jan Mees (VLIZ) presentation
- EU Blue Skills – policy framework and instruments, Sandra Castañer (DG MARE, EU Commission) presentation
10h30 Blue Skills, the perspective of Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOP) presentation
10h45 Panel - Testimonials and experiences from the field
- Theme 1: Innovative infrastructures for blue skills education and training presentation
- Theme 2: Ecosystem-based management and biodiversity enhancing actions in the blue economy
- Theme 3: Climate-neutral blue economy - Energy transition - CO2 capture and storage presentation presentation
11h45 Intermezzo: ‘Listen in’ to Blue Skills presentation
12h00 Blue Skills on the menu: a first mapping of Belgium's Marine Educational Landscape presentation
12h30 Network lunch and Marketplace - Meet and share
14h00 Deep dive - Building on our strengths
- Analysis of challenges and opportunities on the labour market and education, Heidi Hanssens (POM West-Vlaanderen) presentation
14u30 Break-out sessions
- Ecosystem approach for a sustainable blue economy
- Digital transition: from ocean observations and data systems, to policy advice
- The ocean as a solution to a climate-neutral future, technologies and offshore developments
15u30 Plenary feedback and discussion
16u00 Reception