More than 200 European marine scientists and policy makers met in Aberdeen to formulate their vision on the role of science and technology in support of the planned European Maritime Policy. The strategy to follow was set down as the ‘Aberdeen Declaration’.
The Secretariat of the Marine Board – ESF will relocate in autumn 2007 to new offices in Oostende, supported by the Government of Flanders in association with VLIZ. Within this framework it is looking for a new administrator and a junior science officer.
On March 2, 2007, dr. Katja Philippart from the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) and chair of a European working group on ‘Climate Change Impacts on the European Marine and Coastal Environment’ will present a new report on signals and scenarios of climate change in European seas. She will elaborate on the results of this Marine Board-ESF study, which started in 2005. A PDF of...
Every year the VLIZ employs several students for the months of July, August or September. You can apply by sending a mail with your CV and an application letter to
VLIZ is granted by the Flemish Government to start a new educative project as a follow-up of the earlier launched ‘Expeditie Zeeleeuw’. We will soon start with the construction of the interdisciplinary project and the interactive website. Marine scientists and research groups with interest in participating in this initiative are invited to contact VLIZ.
We did succeed to add a special guest to the afternoon programme: Katja Philippart of NIOZ will present the new position paper of the ESF/Marine Board concerning the effects of Global Change in European seas and coastal areas. This report is a updated summary of a group of European marine experts on this 'hot' theme: a must to attend!
Two renomated Flemish sea-related institutes unite their forces: the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) and the Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO-Fisheries) ratify their collaboration in a cooperation agreement
The posters 'Hard substrates at the Belgian coast’ and 'Commercial species landed in Belgian harbours’ are the first published in a series. On each poster you can find pictures of the 30 most important or prominent marine animal and plant species of divers habitats along our coast or at sea.
Policy makers, scientists and end users will focus on the current changes in policy concerning marine intervention and the risk management strategies of the North Sea countries (risk analysis, contingency planning and efficient database management)
Next to the ‘IOC Project Office for IODE’ (UNESCO) and the ‘Coordination Centre for Integrated Coastal Zone Management’ (Province of West Flanders), two European organisations become neighbour to the VLIZ
The EurOcean office, or the European Center for Information on Marine Sciences and Technology, has developed a webinterface to search for all marine projects within the FP-6 database.
The Europese Commissie launches two concrete initiatives to stimulate the mobility of researchers. The ERA-MORE and ERACAREERS portals are developed to distribute information on job openings in the EU, together with a lot of practicak information.
A virtual expedition confronts 17-18 year old youngsters with ten issues characteristic for the marine and coastal environment and pushes them to find creative, well-underpinned solutions for each case.