VLIZ Young Scientist Day - programme completed (2 March)

VLIZ organises its 7th ‘Young Scientist Day’ on 2nd of March 2007! On this yearly event, 100-200 ‘young’ marine scientists of the North Sea-region (mainly pre-and post-PhD’s) come together and learn to know each other’s work in an informal and interdisciplinary meeting. The concept of former years is kept, with one experienced and four young scientists explaining their research in the morning session. In the afternoon a demonstration session is followed by the presentations of the two VLIZ Thesis Awards Marine Sciences and the international North Sea Award.

Send the registration form before the 3th of February 2007 to info@vliz.be or fax it to + 32 (0)59 34 21 31. More information can be obtained at the VLIZ secretary (info@vliz.be; tel. + 32 (0)59 34 21 30) or Jan Seys (jan.seys@vliz.be; tel.: + 32 (0)59 34 21 40).

You and your co-workers/students can actively participate in the afternoon poster- and demonstration session. The posters presented, and inscribed before the 16th of January 2007, automatically participate in the poster contest. Please, send the title, auteur(s) and English abstract (max. 1 page; follow the template) to info@vliz.be. The abstracts are published as a VLIZ Special Publication.

We also organize a photo competition. All participants of the Young Scientist Day can participate with a picture from the theme ‘The North Sea’. Pictures (max. 4) must be delivered by the author in a digital format (min. 20x25cm and max. 40x50cm – 300 dpi, File name: FamName_FirstName.jpg) before the 16th of January through info@vliz.be. In case of massive participation, the VLIZ appropriates the right to pre-select one or some of the images to participate in the contest. The winner, selected by the participants of the Young Scientist Day, receives a prize at the end of the day.

Place: Provinciehuis Boeverbos - Koning Leopold III-laan 41 - 8200 Brugge (Sint-Andries) - Itinerary

Programme (pfd)

8.30 uur Welcome with coffee & mountig of posters
9.00 uurJan Mees (VLIZ)
Official welcome
9.05 uurJean-Pierre Henriet (UGent, Vakgroep Geologie en Bodemkunde, Renard Centre of Marine Geology)
Visions on the hidden face of the Earth: perspective of the explorer - objective of the coach
10.00 uurSofie Vandendriessche (UGent - Marine Biology Section)
Floating seaweed as a vector for traveling organisms
10.25 uurMarc Willems (Flanders Hydraulic Research, Vlaamse Overheid – Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare werken)
Hydraulic design of coastal structures: inventing the world on a small scale
10.50 uurCoffee break
11.20 uurHerlinde Noppe (UGent – Lab Chemical Analysis)
Occurrence of hormones in the Scheldt Estuary: an analytical challenge!
11.45 uurWim Demaré (Vlaamse Overheid, Beleidsdomein Landbouw en Visserij, Instituut voor Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek, Kenniseenheid: Dier)
From data to quota in fisheries research
12.10 uurLunch
13.00 uurJan Mees (VLIZ & Marine Board – European Science Foundation)
Introduction to the afternoon programme and presentation of 'Navigating the Future III'
13.10 uurKatja Philippart (NIOZ, Nederland & Marine Board – European Science Foundation)
Signals and scenarios of climate change in European seas
13.50 uurPresentation of the Marine Board-ESF Position Paper ‘Climate Change Impacts on the European Marine and Coastal Environment’ to Koen Verlaeckt, Head of Cabinet Science and Innovation of Fientje Moerman, Vice-Minister-President of the Flemish Government and Flemish Minister of Economy, Enterprise, Science, Innovation and Foreign Trade
14.00 uur1) Poster presentations and competition
2) Demonstrations of. marine science activities by the Flanders Marine Data and Information Centre (VMDC) and others
3) Photo contest
15.45 uurPresentations by the winner of the ‘VLIZ North Sea Award 2006’ and the two winners of the ‘VLIZ Thesis Award Marine Sciences 2006’:
  • Katrien Broekaert (UGent, Marine Biology Section)
    Cryptic genetic diversity in the genus Mesopodopsis (Crustacea, Mysidacea)
  • Robby Caspeele (UGent, Afdeling Weg- en Waterbouwkunde)
    Generation of irregular long and short crested waves in a numerical model for wave propagation: implementation, validation and application
  • Eric Stienen (INBO)
    Living with gulls - Trading of food and predation in the Sandwich Tern Sterna sandvicensis
16.25 uurPresentation of the awards, including the poster awards and photo contest
16.45 uurReception

Photo gallery

Affiche (pdf)