Send the registration form before the 3th of February 2007 to or fax it to + 32 (0)59 34 21 31. More information can be obtained at the VLIZ secretary (; tel. + 32 (0)59 34 21 30) or Jan Seys (; tel.: + 32 (0)59 34 21 40).
You and your co-workers/students can actively participate in the afternoon poster- and demonstration session. The posters presented, and inscribed before the 16th of January 2007, automatically participate in the poster contest. Please, send the title, auteur(s) and English abstract (max. 1 page; follow the template) to The abstracts are published as a VLIZ Special Publication.
We also organize a photo competition. All participants of the Young Scientist Day can participate with a picture from the theme ‘The North Sea’. Pictures (max. 4) must be delivered by the author in a digital format (min. 20x25cm and max. 40x50cm – 300 dpi, File name: FamName_FirstName.jpg) before the 16th of January through In case of massive participation, the VLIZ appropriates the right to pre-select one or some of the images to participate in the contest. The winner, selected by the participants of the Young Scientist Day, receives a prize at the end of the day.
Place: Provinciehuis Boeverbos - Koning Leopold III-laan 41 - 8200 Brugge (Sint-Andries) - Itinerary
Programme (pfd)
8.30 uur | Welcome with coffee & mountig of posters |
9.00 uur | Jan Mees (VLIZ) Official welcome |
9.05 uur | Jean-Pierre Henriet (UGent, Vakgroep Geologie en Bodemkunde, Renard Centre of Marine Geology) Visions on the hidden face of the Earth: perspective of the explorer - objective of the coach |
10.00 uur | Sofie Vandendriessche (UGent - Marine Biology Section) Floating seaweed as a vector for traveling organisms |
10.25 uur | Marc Willems (Flanders Hydraulic Research, Vlaamse Overheid – Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare werken) Hydraulic design of coastal structures: inventing the world on a small scale |
10.50 uur | Coffee break |
11.20 uur | Herlinde Noppe (UGent – Lab Chemical Analysis) Occurrence of hormones in the Scheldt Estuary: an analytical challenge! |
11.45 uur | Wim Demaré (Vlaamse Overheid, Beleidsdomein Landbouw en Visserij, Instituut voor Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek, Kenniseenheid: Dier) From data to quota in fisheries research |
12.10 uur | Lunch |
13.00 uur | Jan Mees (VLIZ & Marine Board – European Science Foundation) Introduction to the afternoon programme and presentation of 'Navigating the Future III' |
13.10 uur | Katja Philippart (NIOZ, Nederland & Marine Board – European Science Foundation) Signals and scenarios of climate change in European seas |
13.50 uur | Presentation of the Marine Board-ESF Position Paper ‘Climate Change Impacts on the European Marine and Coastal Environment’ to Koen Verlaeckt, Head of Cabinet Science and Innovation of Fientje Moerman, Vice-Minister-President of the Flemish Government and Flemish Minister of Economy, Enterprise, Science, Innovation and Foreign Trade |
14.00 uur | 1) Poster presentations and competition 2) Demonstrations of. marine science activities by the Flanders Marine Data and Information Centre (VMDC) and others 3) Photo contest |
15.45 uur | Presentations by the winner of the ‘VLIZ North Sea Award 2006’ and the two winners of the ‘VLIZ Thesis Award Marine Sciences 2006’:
16.25 uur | Presentation of the awards, including the poster awards and photo contest |
16.45 uur | Reception |
Affiche (pdf)