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Reduction of tank wall interference by slender vertical wave absorbers
Plessers, B. (1992). Reduction of tank wall interference by slender vertical wave absorbers. Ir Thesis. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL)/Norges Tekniske Hogskole: Leuven. 119 pp.

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Document type: Dissertation

    Containers > Tanks > Towing tanks
    Energy > Wave energy
    Laboratory tests
    Wave absorbers

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  • Plessers, B.

    The infl uence of tank side walls often deteriates towing tests. In stationary constructions, test parameters become in function of tank- and model-size and their variation is limited to narrow bandwidth . This paper evaluates the proposal of C1auss et al. [7] on a theoretical base. The equations try to attempt giving an estimation of the energy loss introduced by such an absorbing system. A computer program is included and offers the opportunity to design a wave - energy absorbing device that comes up to expectations.

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