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Socio-ecological overview of the greater amberjack fishery in the Balearic Islands
Pereira, I.R.; Valls, M.; Aoufi, S.; Bienentreu, O.C.; Huang, Y.; Cabanellas-Reboredo, M. (2023). Socio-ecological overview of the greater amberjack fishery in the Balearic Islands. Fishes 8(4): 184.
In: Fishes. MDPI: Basel. e-ISSN 2410-3888, more
Peer reviewed article  

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    Seriola dumerili (Risso, 1810) [WoRMS]
Author keywords
    Seriola dumerili; social-ecological systems; mediterranean; historical catches; fisheries dynamics

Authors  Top 
  • Pereira, I.R., more
  • Valls, M.
  • Aoufi, S., more
  • Bienentreu, O.C., more
  • Huang, Y., more
  • Cabanellas-Reboredo, M.

    This study provides the first socio-ecological overview of the Seriola dumerili fishery occurring in the Balearic Islands. This pelagic top-predator is among the five most valued fish resources of the Balearic community. Despite its ecological importance and potential vulnerability to aggregation fishing, few studies address the ecology of this large Carangidae species. Shining a light on its ecology is vital to ensure adequate species conservation and the sustainable and effective management of the fishery. Historical catches from 1950–1999, alongside detailed landing data for the last 21 years, were analysed to identify potential patterns in ecological and socio-economic factors. Significant inter-annual variability among the years was found in historical catches of greater amberjack, while catches and mean prices of the different size categories revealed significant results between seasons and months, respectively. Additionally, the purse seine fleet accounted for the highest percentage of S. dumerili catches. CPUE did not appear to change greatly between months and years after the annual 8-month fishing ban imposed in 2011 and therefore a re-evaluation of the closure was intended. Overall, this study suggests seasonality influences the S. dumerili fishery in the Balearic Islands, within which ecological influences show a higher regulating power than socio-economic factors.

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