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Eutrophication of Lakes Léman and Neuchâtel (Switzerland) indicated by oligochaete communities
Lang, C. (1984). Eutrophication of Lakes Léman and Neuchâtel (Switzerland) indicated by oligochaete communities. Hydrobiologia 115: 131-138.
In: Hydrobiologia. Springer: The Hague. ISSN 0018-8158; e-ISSN 1573-5117, more
Related to:
Lang, C. (1984). Eutrophication of Lakes Léman and Neuchâtel (Switzerland) indicated by oligochaete communities, in: Bonomi, G. et al. Aquatic Oligochaeta: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaete Biology, held in Pallanza, Italy, September 21-24, 1982. Developments in Hydrobiology, 24: pp. 131-138., more
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  • Lang, C.

    In 1978-80, oligochaete communities of meso-eutrophic Lake Léman (Lake of Geneva) were compared to those of mesotrophic Lake Neuchâtel. Worm species were classified into three groups corresponding to their increasing tolerance to eutrophication: (1) oligotrophic species, mostly Peloscolex velutinus, Stylodrilus heringianus; (2) mesotrophic species, mostly Potamothrix vejdovskyi, P. bedoti; (3) eutrophic species, mostly Potamothrix hammoniensis, P. heuscheri, Tubifex tubifex. In both lakes, eutrophic species constituted the bulk of the communities in terms of absolute abundance. However, relative abundance of mesotrophic and eutrophic species was higher in Lake Léman; oligotrophic species were more important in Lake Neuchâtel. These data confirmed the trophic classification of lakes based on chemical parameters. The number of zero values, which perturbated statistical analysis, was reduced by using species groupings instead of isolated species. Thus, making the lakes more comparable even if different species were present in each one. Relative density values based on all samples were distributed among 4 density classes for the 3 species groupings. The 12 resulting frequencies described the community structure expressed in terms of eutrophication. Furthermore, these frequencies may be used for comparison of eutrophication levels in several lakes.

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