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Le Paléogène de la coupe de la route Gan-Rébénacq (Aquitaine, France): stratigraphie intégrée, foraminifères et nannofossiles calcaires
Steurbaut, E.; Sztràkos, K. (2002). Le Paléogène de la coupe de la route Gan-Rébénacq (Aquitaine, France): stratigraphie intégrée, foraminifères et nannofossiles calcaires. Rev. Micropaleontol. 45(3): 195-219
In: Revue de Micropaléontologie. Editions Scientifiques et Médicales Elsevier: Paris. ISSN 0035-1598; e-ISSN 1873-4413, more
Peer reviewed article  

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    Fossils > Animal fossils > Fossil foraminifera
    France, Aquitaine [Marine Regions]

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  • Steurbaut, E., more
  • Sztràkos, K.

    The revision of the Gan-Rébénacq road section reveals that the succession between the base of the Selandian up to the middle of the Ypresian (60.0 Ma - 50.7 Ma) is rather complete in the Gan area, despite the presence of a series of faults. The age of the different members of the Pont-Labau Formation and of the Gan Marls has been accurately established in terms of calcareous nannofossil (NP zones) and planktonic foraminiferal (P zones) analyses. The Selandian depositional sequence P6 (NP 4-NP 5 ; P 3b-P 4a), the Thanetian sequences P7 to P9 (NP 6 to NP 9 ; P 4a-P 4c) and the earliest Eocene sequences PIO and P11 (NP 9- ?NP 10 ; P 5), composing the main part of the Pont-Labau Formation, have been identified in the outcrops. The sequence stratigraphical significance of the Artigueloutan Member (NP 11, P 6b) remains to be clarified in the Gan area. The sandy base of the Gan Marls as observed in the « Las Hiès» river section at Gan, has been assigned to the lowermost upper NP 12. Integration of all available data has led to the reconstruction of the depositional history of the Gan area. This history is marked by a series of sea-level changes, which are controlled by the Pyrenean tectonism.

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