Data PolicyPublications | Institutes | Persons | Datasets | Projects | Maps [ report an error in this record ] 3-D modelling of the circulation and dispersion of pollutants in marine coastal zones Funder identifier: BL/C/003 (Other contract id)Period: February 1997 till February 1998Status: Completed Institutes Institutes (2) Top Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen; Departement Beheer van het Mariene Ecosysteem; Beheerseenheid Mathematisch Model Noordzee en Schelde-estuarium; Brussel (KBIN-BMM), more Pichot, Georges Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO), more, sponsor All data in the Integrated Marine Information System (IMIS) is subject to the VLIZ privacy policy Top | Institutes