Impact of airgun sound exposure on fish: integrating population-level modelling and collect… |
Acronym: PCAD4COD Period: 2017 till 2019 Status: Completed
Abstract |
The PCAD4COD project is an integrated set of studies into the impact of airgun sounds on fish by modelling energy-flow, individual behaviour and population dynamics (component I) as well as collecting field data on behaviour, physiology, growth and maturation. The field data will be on adult, tagged, free-ranging fish exposed to a real seismic survey in open water (component II) and on adult and juvenile, captive, semi-free-ranging fish exposed to a scaled sound or airgun source in a harbour (component III). In addition, sound field properties in terms of sound pressure and particle motion will be thoroughly measured and modelled for both types of field studies (component IV). This project is conducted in the context of the Joint Industry Programme on E&P Sound and Marine Life on Establishing the sensitivity of Fish to Seismic Activities. VLIZ is involved in component II, in which field data on the behaviour of adult, tagged, free-ranging cod will be collected during synchronous treatment and control sessions. Data collected during this single seismic survey will yield input parameters for the modellers. Data collection on free-ranging fish provides us with critical insights needed for the realworld event of seismic surveys at sea. |
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- van der Knaap I.; Reubens J.; Ainslie M.; Thomas L.; Winter H.V.; Hubert J.; Martin B.; Slabbekoorn H.; Leiden University, Institute of Behavioral Biology; Wageningen Marine Research: The Netherlands; Marine Biology Research Group - Ugent; Flanders Marine Institute: Belgium; JASCO Applied Sciences: Canada; Centre for Research into Ecological & Environmental Modelling, University of St Andrews: United Kingdom; (2020): Atlantic cod acoustic telemetry dataset used to assess impact of a multi-day full-scale seismic survey experiment on the behaviour of free-ranging cod at a wind farm. Marine Data Archive., more
Publication |
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- Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) (2024). Multipurpose seabed moorings: Developed for coastal dynamic seas. Oceanography Suppl. : In prep., more