Research on toxic fumes which seafarers on board tankers are exposed to during normal (working) operations |
Dutch title: Onderzoek naar toxische dampen waaraan zeevarenden blootgesteld worden aan boord van tankers tijdens de normale operaties
Period: January 2005 till December 2006 Status: Completed
Thesaurus terms Human health; Shipping; Toxicity
Geographical term: Belgium [Marine Regions]
Institutes (5) |
Top |
- Antwerp Maritime Academy (HZS), more, partner
- Universiteit Antwerpen; Centrum voor Micro- en Sporenanalyse (MITAC), more, co-ordinator
- Ahlers, more, partner
- Exmar Shipmanagement, more, partner
- Associatie Universiteit en Hogescholen Antwerpen vzw, more, sponsor
Abstract |
The project is aimed at investigating to what extent seafarers are exposed to toxic fumes on chemical and gas tankers. For that purpose accurate measuring will be carried out in the living spaces and during the normal working operations, as well at sea as in port. The measured values will be evaluated in comparison with the TLV-values. The results should allow us to optimise the correct application of means of protection. |