This institute has changed, see institute underneath Urban and Environmental Engineering (ULG-UEE), more
English name: Department of Architecture, Geology, Environment and Constructions
Parent institute: Université de Liège; Faculté des Sciences Appliquées (ULG), more
Level: Department
Publications (15) |
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( 10 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Hlaing, N.; Morato, P.G.; Nielsen, J.S.; Amirafshari, P.; Kolios, A.; Rigo, P. (2022). Inspection and maintenance planning for offshore wind structural components: integrating fatigue failure criteria with Bayesian networks and Markov decision processes. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 18(7): 983-1001., more
Declercq, P.-Y.; Gérard, P.; Pirard, E.; Walstra, J.; Devleeschouwer, X. (2021). Long-term subsidence monitoring of the alluvial plain of the Scheldt river in Antwerp (Belgium) using radar interferometry. Remote Sens. 13(6): 1160., more
Verhegge, J.; Delvoie, S.; Luong, H. (2021). Direct push video imaging: an innovation in prehistoric paleolandscape survey. Archeosciences-Revue d'Archeometrie 45(1): 223-227, more
Nematchoua, M.K.; Vanona, J.C.; Orosa, J.A. (2020). Energy efficiency and thermal performance of office buildings integrated with passive strategies in coastal regions of humid and hot tropical climates in Madagascar. Applied Sciences-Basel 10(7): 2438., more
Maia, Q.A.; Weijtjens, W.; Devriendt, C.; Morato, P.G.; Rigo, P.; Sørensen, J.D. (2019). Prediction of remaining fatigue life of welded joints in wind turbine support structures considering strain measurement and a joint distribution of oceanographic data. Mar. Struct. 66: 307-322., more
Zhao, Z.; Benzerzour, M.; Abriak, N.-E.; Damidot, D.; Courard, L.; Wang, D. (2018). Use of uncontaminated marine sediments in mortar and concrete by partial substitution of cement. Cement and Concrete Composites 93: 155-162., more
Beaujean, J.; Nguyen, F.; Kemna, A; Antonsson, A; Engesgaard, P (2014). Calibration of seawater intrusion models: inverse parameter estimation using surface electrical resistivity tomography and borehole data. Water Resour. Res. 50(8): 6828-6849., more
Buldgen, L.; Le Sourne, H.; Rigo, P. (2013). Fast strength assessment of mitre gates to ship impact. I. J. Crash. 18(5): 423-443., more
Hermans, T.; Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L.; Martin, R.; Kemna, A.; Beaujean, J.; Nguyen, F. (2012). Imaging artificial salt water infiltration using electrical resistivity tomography constrained by geostatistical data. J. Hydrol. (Amst.) 438-439: 168-180., more
Nguyen, F.; Kemna, A.; Antonsson, A.; Engesgaard, P.; Kuras, O.; Ogilvy, R.; Gisbert, J.; Jorreto, S.; Pulido-Bosch, A. (2009). Characterization of seawater intrusion using 2D electrical imaging. Near Surface Geophysics 7(5-6): 377-390, more
- Dang, T.V.; Mai, Q.A.; Morato, P.G.; Rigo, P. (2019). Updating the failure probability of miter gates based on observation of water levels, in: Correia, J.A.F.O. et al. Mechanical fatigue of metals. pp. 221-228., more
- Mokievsky, V.; Bezerra, T.N.; Decraemer, W.; Eisendle, U.; Hodda, M.; Holovachov, O.; Leduc, D.; Miljutin, D.M.; Santiago, R.P.; Sharma, J.; Smol, N.; Tchesunov, A.; Vanreusel, A.; Venekey, V.; Zhao, Z. (2019). Morphological species descriptions of free-living nematodes: measurements, characters and their presentation in taxonomic papers, in: Adão, H. et al. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts: SeventIMCO - Seventeenth International Meiofauna Conference, University of Évora, Portugal, 7-12 July, 2019. University of Évora, Special Publication, : pp. 92, more
- Morato, P.G.; Mai, Q.A.; Rigo, P.; Nielsen, J.S. (2019). Point-based POMDP risk based inspection of offshore wind substructures, in: Caspeele, R. et al. Life cycle analysis and assessment in civil engineering: towards an integrated vision.
Proceedings of the sixth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2018), 28-31 October 2018, Ghent, Belgium. pp. 3069-3076, more
- Ahayan, S.; Cerfontaine, B.; Collin, F.; Kotronis, P. (2018). Behaviour of laterally loaded pile, in: Cardoso, A.S. et al. Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering IX. Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering (NUMGE 2018), June 25-27, 2018, Porto, Portugal. pp. 1511-1517, more
- Cerfontaine, B.; Collin, F.; Charlier, R. (2014). Vertical transient loading of a suction caisson in dense sand, in: Oka, F. et al. (Ed.) Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics. pp. 929-934, more