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School of Marine Science and Engineering (UOP)

Parent institute: University of Plymouth (UOP), more

Drake Circus
Plymouth PL4 8AA

Tel.: +44-(0)1752-23 36 64
 Institute | Projects | Dataset 

Child institute  Top | Projects | Dataset 
  • University of Plymouth; Faculty of Technology; School of Engineering; Coastal Engineering Research Group (UOP-CERG), more

The Centre for Coastal Dynamics and Engineering (C-CoDE) is the largest group of coastal scientists
and engineers in the UK. This interdisciplinary group includes members of academic staff, PhD
students and postdoctoral researchers as well as dedicated technical staff and administrators from the
Schools of Earth, Ocean and Environmental Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Computing. CCoDE
is at the forefront of international research in the field of coastal dynamics and engineering.

Projects (3)  Top | Institute | Dataset 
  • ENCORA: European platform for coastal research: coordination action, more
  • Modelling benthos-mediated biogeochemical cycling in estuarine environments, more
  • Streamlining activity of the Coastal Wiki, more

Dataset  Top | Institute | Projects 
  • Hall-Spencer J.,Grall J., Gerovasileiou V.,Mavraki D.,Paranou P., Baily N.,Nikolopoulou S.,(2018): BIOMAERL.Maerl Biodiversity.Functional Structure And Antropogenic Impacts (1996-1998).Hellenic Center for Marine Research, more

All data in the Integrated Marine Information System (IMIS) is subject to the VLIZ privacy policy Top | Institute | Projects | Dataset