Data PolicyPublications | Institutes | Persons | Datasets | Projects | Maps [ report an error in this record ] Department of Freshwater Ecology (AU) Parent institute: University of Aarhus; National Environmental Research Institute (AU-NERI), more Thesaurus terms (8) : Biomanipulation; Brackishwater ecology; Ecotoxicology; Estuaries; Fjords; Freshwater ecology; Lakes; Rivers Geographical terms (3) : ANE, Denmark [Marine Regions]; Denmark [Marine Regions]; Europe [Marine Regions] Address:Vejlsøvej 25 P.O. Box 3148600 SilkeborgDenmark Tel.: +45-(0)89-20 14 00 E-mail: Type: ScientificLevel: Department All data in the Integrated Marine Information System (IMIS) is subject to the VLIZ privacy policy Top