Parent institute: Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), more
Address: Kruislaan 318
1089 SM Amsterdam Netherlands
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Publications (6) |
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( 4 peer reviewed ) split up filter
- Martín-Vélez, V.; Sánchez, M.I.; Shamoun-Baranes, J.; Thaxter, C.B.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Camphuysen, K.C.J.; Green, A.J. (2019). Quantifying nutrient inputs by gulls to a fluctuating lake, aided by movement ecology methods. Freshwat. Biol. 64(10): 1821-1832., more
- Ahmed, M.; Wijnholds, A.; Stal, L.J.; Hasnain, S. (2014). Isolation, characterization and localization of extracellular polymeric substances from the cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis strain MMG-9. Eur. J. Phycol. 49(2): 143-150., more
- Benavides, M.; Agawin, N.S.R.; Aristegui, J.; Peene, J.; Stal, L.J. (2013). Dissolved organic nitrogen and carbon release by a marine unicellular diazotrophic cyanobacterium. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 69(1): 69-80., more
- Reveillaud, J.; Remerie, T.; van Soest, R.; Vanreusel, A.; Henriet, JP. (2006). Genetic diversity study of broad range sponge taxa for new insights into the connectivity of cold-water coral reefs along the European margins. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 8: 04509, more
- Baert, J.; Stienen, E.; Heylen, B.; Kavelaars, M.; Buijs, R.-J.; Shamoun-Baranes, J.; Lens, L.; Müller, W. (2018). Migratory routes and stopover sites of the Lesser Black-backed Gull: where to go if your options are endless?, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – 53rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Oostende, Belgium, 17-21 September 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 82: pp. 73, more
- Salas, R.; Deneudt, K.; Lens, L.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Baert, J.; Kavelaars, M.M.; Shamoun-Baranes, J.; Müller, W. (2018). Time investment and territorial behaviour of lesser black-backed gulls (Larus fuscus) during the pre-laying period, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – 53rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Oostende, Belgium, 17-21 September 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 82: pp. 88, more
Datasets (8) |
Top | Publications | Project |
- Anselin A, Desmet P, Milotic T, Janssens K, T'Jollyn F, De Bruyn L, Bouten W (2024). MH_WATERLAND - Western marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus, Accipitridae) breeding near the Belgium-Netherlands border. Version 1.1. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Occurrence dataset., more
- Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Terrestrische Ecologie Ugent (TEREC), Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED), Instituut voor Natuur-en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Belgium (2015): LifeWatch observatory data: bird GPS tracking, more
- Koks B, Schlaich A, Schaub T, Klaassen R, Anselin A, Desmet P, Milotic T, Janssens K, Bouten W (2024). H_GRONINGEN - Western marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus, Accipitridae) breeding in Groningen (the Netherlands). Version 1.1. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Occurrence dataset., more
- Oosterbeek K, de Jong J, Desmet P, van der Kolk H, Bouten W, Ens B J (2024). O_AMELAND - Eurasian oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus, Haematopodidae) breeding on Ameland (the Netherlands). Version 1.1. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Occurrence dataset., more
- Spanoghe G, Desmet P, Milotic T, Janssens K, De Regge N, Vanoverbeke J, Bouten W (2024). MH_ANTWERPEN - Western marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus, Accipitridae) breeding near Antwerp (Belgium). Version 1.1. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Occurrence dataset., more
- Spanoghe G, Desmet P, Milotic T, Van Ryckegem G, Vanoverbeke J, Ens B J, Bouten W (2024). O_WESTERSCHELDE - Eurasian oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus, Haematopodidae) breeding in East Flanders (Belgium). Version 1.1. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Occurrence dataset., more
- Stienen E W, Desmet P, Milotic T, Hernandez F, Deneudt K, Bouten W, Müller W, Matheve H, Lens L (2024). LBBG_ZEEBRUGGE - Lesser black-backed gulls (Larus fuscus, Laridae) breeding at the southern North Sea coast (Belgium and the Netherlands). Version 1.2. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Occurrence dataset., more
- Stienen E W, Desmet P, Milotic T, Hernandez F, Deneudt K, Matheve H, Bouten W (2024). HG_OOSTENDE - Herring gulls (Larus argentatus, Laridae) breeding at the southern North Sea coast (Belgium). Version 1.2. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Occurrence dataset., more