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Afdeling Sedimentaire Geologie en Ingenieursgeologie (UGent)

English name: Sedimentary Geology and Engineering Geology
Parent institute: Universiteit Gent; Vakgroep Geologie (UGent), more

Thesaurus terms (8) : Basins; Data acquisition; Geological mapping; GIS; Mapping; Marine geology; Sedimentation; Sedimentology
Geographical terms (5) : Africa [Marine Regions]; ANE, Belgium, Belgian Continental Shelf (BCS) [Marine Regions]; ANE, Belgium, Flemish Banks [Marine Regions]; ANE, North Sea [Marine Regions]; Israel, Dead Sea
Krijgslaan 281
9000 Gent

Tel.: +32-(0)9-264 46 47
 Publications | Projects 
Type: Scientific

Stratigraphy and comparative sedimentology of fossil and active, shallow-marine siliciclastic sedimentation systems (facies analysis, sedimentation processes and models, basin analysis, petrophysical characterisation), integrating offshore and onshore geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical data acquisition techniques; regional geological studies in the framework of development cooperation in Africa and the Middle East, using GIS and teledetection to characterize geological structures with potential economic value. Priorities: construction of a sedimentation model for Tertiary deposits in the Southern North Sea Bight, both on the Belgian Continental Platform and onshore, with emphasis on sea-level changes; development of a sedimentation model (actual process and transport dynamics) for the nearshore zone and the Flemish Banks, related to hydro-meteorological conditions; geological mapping of the Tertiary strata in western Flanders, commissioned by the Flemish Government and the Belgian Geological Survey; development of a geological database and information system for Flanders through integration of geological, geotechnical and hydrogeological data; study of the regional geological structure of piedmont ranges (Atlas, Morocco) and actual rift systems (Dead Sea, Jordan), by means of remote sensing techniques; development of a geological advisory unit with an integrated database for small-scale mining (Zambia), by means of remote sensing techniques, GIS and mapping; study of geological conditions as limiting environmental factors in the development of European small-scale city areas; development of a philosophical and organisational framework for the conservation of important geological and geomorphological objects. Perspectives: refinement of sedimentation models for the Tertiary and Quaternary through a comparative study of eustatic, climatological, physical-oceanographical and tectonic influences along passive ocean marges; integration of mapping of Tertiary strata with mapping of the Quaternary in Flanders, through the development of a common database and editing of geological maps and explanatory notes; conceptualisation and development of a metabase for acquisition, input, management and integration of geological, geotechnical and hydrogeological data for the subsoil of Flanders (from field data to maps); study of petrophysical properties for the characterisation of rocks during physical and biological weathering (and the influence of industrial conservation techniques), by means of computerised X-ray tomography, as part of a non-destructive expert system; acquisition of technical equipment for offshore sediment coring for the study of the lateral extent and nature of Tertiary and Quaternary surficial sediments in the Southern North Sea Bight, in order to assure integration with seismic-acoustic data; optimisation and integration of geotechnical and geophysical parameters for the characterisation of Tertiary and Quaternary sediments and their distribution; study of the behaviour of sedimentary strata under external conditions of deformation through the determination of geological and geotechnical boundary conditions in stability problems.

Publications (9)  Top | Projects 
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  • Berckmans, J. (2005). Suspensietransport in het Demerbekken : een verband met geologische gesteldheid? MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Wetenschappen, Vakgroep Geologie en Bodemkunde, Onderzoekseenheid Sedimentaire Geologie en Ingenieursgeologie: Gent. 202 pp., more
  • Degraer, S.; Van Lancker, V.; Moerkerke, G.; Van Hoey, G.; Vincx, M.; Jacobs, P.; Henriet, J.-P. (2002). Intensieve opvolging van de evolutie van een beschermd benthisch habitat (HABITAT): samenvatting van het onderzoek = Intensive evaluation of the evolution of a protected benthic habitat (HABITAT): summary of the research. Scientific Support Plan for a Sustainable Development Policy (SPSD I): Programme "Sustainable Management of the North Sea" = Plan voor wetenschappelijke ondersteuning van een beleid gericht op duurzame ontwikkeling (PODO I): Programma "Duurzaam beheer van de Noordzee". DWTC/SSTC: Brussel. 9 pp., more
  • Degraer, S.; Van Lancker, V.; Moerkerke, G.; Vincx, M.; Jacobs, P.; Henriet, J. P. (2002). Intensive evaluation of the evolution of a protected benthic habitat: HABITAT. Scientific Support Plan for a Sustainable Development Policy (SPSD I): Programme "Sustainable Management of the North Sea" = Plan voor wetenschappelijke ondersteuning van een beleid gericht op duurzame ontwikkeling (PODO I): Programma "Duurzaam beheer van de Noordzee". Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid = Belgian Science Policy = Politique Scientifique Fédérale: Brussel. 124 pp., more
  • Lanckneus, J.; Van Lancker, V.; Moerkerke, G.; Van den Eynde, D.; Fettweis, M.; De Batist, M.; Jacobs, P. (2002). Onderzoek van natuurlijke zandtransporten op het Belgisch continentaal plat. BUDGET (Beneficial usage of data and geo-environmental techniques): samenvatting van het onderzoek = Research on natural sand transports on the Belgian continental shelf. BUDGET (Beneficial usage of data and geo-environmental techniques): Summary of the research. Scientific Support Plan for a Sustainable Development Policy (SPSD I): Programme "Sustainable Management of the North Sea" = Plan voor wetenschappelijke ondersteuning van een beleid gericht op duurzame ontwikkeling (PODO I): Programma "Duurzaam beheer van de Noordzee". DWTC/SSTC: Brussel. 9 pp., more
  • Degraer, S.; Van Lancker, V.; Moerkerke, G.; Vincx, M.; Jacobs, P.; Henriet, J. P. (2000). Intensive evaluation of the evolution of a protected benthic habitat: HABITAT, in: Marine Habitat Committee Report of the Study Group on Marine Habitat Mapping, The Hague, The Netherlands 10-13 April 2000. CM Documents - ICES, 2000(E:06): pp. 83-91, more
  • Van Lancker, V. R. M.; Honeybun, S.D.; Moerkerke, G. P. M. (2000). Sediment transport pathways in the Broers Bank - Westdiep coastal system: preliminary results, in: Trentesaux, A. et al. Marine Sandwave Dynamics, International Workshop, March 23-24 2000, University of Lille 1, France. Proceedings. pp. 205-212, more
  • Van Lancker, V. R. M.; Jacobs, P. (2000). The dynamical behaviour of shallow-marine dunes, in: Trentesaux, A. et al. (Ed.) Marine Sandwave Dynamics, International Workshop, March 23-24 2000, University of Lille 1, France. Proceedings. pp. 7, more
  • Polfliet, T. (1998). Modellering van de verdeling van golfenergie en carbonaatfacies in de Bahamas (Brits Gemenebest). MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Wetenschappen, Vakgroep Geologie en Bodemkunde, Onderzoekseenheid Sedimentaire Geologie en Ingenieursgeologie: Gent. 62 pp., more
  • Van Bavinchove, B. (1993). Event stratigrafie van het Onder-Eoceen, Belgisch continentaal plat. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Wetenschappen, Vakgroep Geologie en Bodemkunde, Onderzoekseenheid Sedimentaire Geologie en Ingenieursgeologie: Gent. 114 + bijlagen pp., more

Projects (3)  Top | Publications 
  • BENCORE: Belgian Network for Coastal Reseach, more
  • Een nieuwe meettechniek gekoppeld aan een nieuwe modelbenadering voor de bepaling van de effectieve valsnelheid van een flocculerend sediment in estuaria., more
  • Marine@Ugent: UGent Marine Sciences Center of Excellence, more

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