Spanish name: Instituto del Mar del Peru
Address: SN Gamarra y General Valle Apartado 22
Callao Lima Perú
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Type: Scientific
Child institutes (3) |
Top | Publications | Datasets |
- Instituto del Mar del Perú; Área de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad (IMARPE), more
- Instituto del Mar del Peru; La Biblioteca IMARPA (IMARPE), more
- Instituto del Mar del Perú; Oficina de Investigaciones en Depredadores Superiores (IMARPE), more
Publications (5) |
Top | Institutes | Datasets |
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- Vásquez, V.A.; Milla, V.V. (1997). Lista sistematica de moluscos marinos del Peru = Sistematic [sic] list of Peruvian marine molluscs. Second edition, revised and actualized. Boletín. Instituto del Mar del Perú, Publicacion especial. IMARPE: Callao. 183 pp., more
- Vásquez, V.A.; Milla, V.V. (1987). Lista sistematica de moluscos marinos del Peru = Sistematic [sic] list of Peruvian marine molluscs. first edition. Boletín. Instituto del Mar del Perú, extraordinario. IMARPE: Callao. 205 pp., more
- (1975). Research on the anchovy: models and reality. IMARPE: Lima. 21 pp., more
- Boletín. Instituto del Mar del Perú. IMARPE: Lima. ISSN 0378-7699, more
- Informe. Instituto del Mar del Peru. IMARPE: Callao . ISSN 0378-7702, more
Datasets (3) |
Top | Institutes | Publications |
- García-Godos, I. 2006. A note on the occurrence of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephallus) off Peru, 1995-2002. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. 8(1):113-119, more
- García-Godos, I. 2006. A note on the occurrence of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephallus) off Peru, 1995-2002. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. 8(1):113-119, more
- M. Ballón, C. Wosnitza-Mendo, R. Guevara-Carrasco and C. Benites, 'Peru, South-east Pacific', in J.H. Nicholls (comp.) HMAP Data Pages (, more