Address: Stropkaai 55
9000 Gent Belgium
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Publications (3) |
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( 3 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Bennetsen, E.; Gobeyn, S.; Everaert, G.; Goethals, P. (2021). Setting priorities in river management using habitat suitability models. Water 13(7): 886., more
Muñoz-Royo, C.; Peacock, T.; Alford, M.H.; Smith, J.A.; Le Boyer, A.; Kulkarni, C.S.; Lermusiaux, P.F.J.; Haley, P.J.; Mirabito, C.; Wang, D.; Adams, E.E.; Ouillon, R.; Breugem, A.; Decrop, B.; Lanckriet, T.; Supekar, R.B.; Rzeznik, A.J.; Gartman, A.; Ju, S.-J. (2021). Extent of impact of deep-sea nodule mining midwater plumes is influenced by sediment loading, turbulence and thresholds. Commun. Earth Environ. 2(1): 148., more
Vanlede, J.; Dujardin, A.; Fettweis, M.; Van Hoestenberghe, T.; Martens, C. (2019). Mud dynamics in the Port of Zeebrugge. Ocean Dynamics 69(9): 1085-1099., more