- BANOS CSA: BANOS CSA ‘Towards a Baltic and North Sea research and innovation programme’, more
- BiodivERsA 2: Cooperation and shared strategies for biodiversity research programmes in Europe, more
- BIODIVERSA: ERA-Net in biodiversity sciences, more
- COFASP: Cooperation in Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Processing, more
- EMoSEM: Ecosystem Models as Support to Eutrophication Management in the North Atlantic Ocean, more
- ERA-PG: European Research Area Plant Genomics, more
- ERASynBio: Synthetic Biology - ERA-NET, more
- EuroNanoMed: EUROpean network of trans-national collaborative RTD projects in the field of NANOMEDicine, more
- SBEP: Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership, more
- SUSFOOD: SUStainable FOOD production and consumption, more