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Steroids profiles in giant sturgeon female (Huso huso (L.)) at the beginning of anadromous migration and induced ovulation after reservation
Barannikova, I.A.; Artyukhin, E.N.; Bayunova, L.V.; Dyubin, V.P.; Semenkova, T.B. (2000). Steroids profiles in giant sturgeon female (Huso huso (L.)) at the beginning of anadromous migration and induced ovulation after reservation, in: Norberg, B. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Bergen, Norway, July 4-9, 1999. pp. 420
In: Norberg, B. et al. (2000). Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Bergen, Norway, July 4-9, 1999. International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish, 6. Department of Fisheries and Marine Biology, University of Bergen: Bergen. ISBN 82-7461-048-2. 499 pp., more
In: International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. , more

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  • Barannikova, I.A.
  • Artyukhin, E.N.
  • Bayunova, L.V.
  • Dyubin, V.P.
  • Semenkova, T.B.

    Serum cortisol and testosterone concentrations are elevated at the beginning of river anadromous migration of giant sturgeon and decrease sharply at induced ovulation after reservation in the fish farm, especially in the winter form after long-term reservation. Correlations between serum cortisol and cholesterol concentrations and interrenal activity were established. The data demonstrate hormonal interactions in the reproductive function regulation of Chondrostei and possibilities for exploitation of different sturgeons seasonal races in aquaculture.

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