Appropriate technology for alternative energy sources in fisheries: Proceedings of the ADB-ICLARM workshop on appropriate technology for alternative energy sources in fisheries, Manila, Philippines, 21-26 February 1981
May, R.C.; Smith, I.R.; Thomson, D.B. (Ed.) (1982). Appropriate technology for alternative energy sources in fisheries: Proceedings of the ADB-ICLARM workshop on appropriate technology for alternative energy sources in fisheries, Manila, Philippines, 21-26 February 1981. Contribution No. 73. ICLARM Conference Proceedings, 8. Asian Development Bank/ICLARM: Philippines. ISBN 971-04-0008-8. 215 pp.
Part of: ICLARM Conference Proceedings. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management: Manila. ISSN 0115-4435, more