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Shell and bone artefacts from the Emily Bay settlement site, Norfolk Island
Schmidt, L.; Anderson, A.; Fullagar, R. (2001). Shell and bone artefacts from the Emily Bay settlement site, Norfolk Island, in: Anderson, A. et al. The prehistoric archaeology of Norfolk Island, southwest Pacific. Records of the Australian Museum Supplement, 27: pp. 67-74
In: Anderson, A.; White, P. (2001). The prehistoric archaeology of Norfolk Island, southwest Pacific. Records of the Australian Museum Supplement, 27. Australian Museum: Sydney. ISBN 0-7347-2305-9. VI, 141 pp., more
In: Records of the Australian Museum Supplement. Western Australian Museum: Perth. ISSN 0313-122X, more

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    Animal products > Shells
    Musculoskeletal system > Anatomical structures > Skeleton > Endoskeleton > Bones
    PSE, Australia, Norfolk I. [Marine Regions]

Authors  Top 
  • Schmidt, L.
  • Anderson, A.
  • Fullagar, R.

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