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Prespawning flounders transferred to different salinities and the effects on their eggs
Solemdal, P. (1971). Prespawning flounders transferred to different salinities and the effects on their eggs, in: Soyer, J. (Ed.) Troisième Symposium Européen de Biologie Marine. I. Biologie des sédiments meubles, II. Biologie des eaux à salinité variable, Arcachon, 2-7 Sept. 1968. Vie et Milieu (1980), Suppl. 22(I-II): pp. 409-423
In: Soyer, J. (Ed.) (1971). Troisième Symposium Européen de Biologie Marine: I. Biologie des sédiments meubles - II. Biologie des eaux à salinité variable, Arcachon, 2-7 Sept. 1968. European Marine Biology Symposia, 3. Vie et Milieu, Suppl. 22(I-II). 857 pp., more
In: European Marine Biology Symposia., more

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    Cells > Sexual cells > Eggs > Fish eggs
    Environmental effects > Salinity effects

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  • Solemdal, P.

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