Spanish name: Autonomous University of Barcelona
Level: University
Child institutes (3) |
Top | Publications | Projects |
- Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; Departament de Biologia Animal, de Biologia Vegetal i d'Ecologia (UAB), more
- Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; Departament de Geologia (UAB), more
- Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; Institut de Ciència i Technologia Ambientals (UAB-ICTA), more
Publications (2) |
Top | Institutes | Projects |
( 1 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Michiels, C.C.; Darchambeau, F.; Roland, F.A.E.; Morana, C.; Llirós, M.; García-Armisen, T.; Thamdrup, B.; Borges, A.V.; Canfield, D.E.; Servais, P.; Descy, J.-P.; Crowe, S.A. (2017). Iron-dependent nitrogen cycling in a ferruginous lake and the nutrient status of Proterozoic oceans. Nature Geoscience 10(3): 217-221., more
- Imbo, Y.; De Batist, M.; Baraza, J.; Canals, M. (2001). The Gebra Slide: A Late Quaternary large-scale sliding event along the Trinity Peninsula Margin, Antarctic Peninsula. J. Conf. Abstr. 6: 740, more
Projects (2) |
Top | Institutes | Publications |
- EUROSION: European Project for Coastal Erosion Management, more
- HERMIONE: Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man's Impact On European Seas, more