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Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad (VLIR)

Egmontstraat 5
1000 Brussel

Tel.: +32-(0)2-550 15 94
 Institute | Projects 
Type: Administrative

Child institute  Top | Projects 
  • Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad; Universitaire Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (VLIR-UOS), more

Projects (22)  Top | Institute 
  • Application of modern engineering techniques for sustainable development of the port-sector in the 8th region of Chile, more
  • Aquaculture of marine species in Chile: bio-technological improvements for reliable and cost-effective production, more
  • Biodiversity studies on seaweeds and echinoderms in the transition between temperate southern Africa and the tropical western Indian Ocean, more
  • Comparative study of bioaccumulation and effects of metals in mussels between a temperate and a subtropical region: the Scheldt estuary (Antwerpen Harbour - Flanders) and the Richards Bay Harbour (South-Africa), more
  • CTU: Institutional University coöperation: Can Tho University, more
  • Cursus in Kustecologie, -beheer en -bescherming, more
  • Deposition of heavy metals and nutrients over water surfaces (lakes and seas) due to anthropogenic processes: case of Lake Balaton, Hungary, more
  • Development of a regional academic network in ocean law and marine studies, more
  • ECOMAMA: Ecological Marine Management, more
  • ESPOL: Institutional University coöperation: Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral, more
  • Exploitation on mangrove forest wood reforestation and oyster culture research project, more
  • FAME: Fundamental and Applied Marine Ecology, more
  • Further exploration, characterization and utilization of the natural brine schrimp Artemia resources in the People's Republic of China, more
  • Improvement of reproduction captured penaeid shrimp by introduction of ovary maturation by neuropeptides, more
  • Master of Science course in aquaculture, more
  • Optimisation of the Artemia outdoor culture in Vietnam, more
  • RECOSCIX-WIO: Regional Cooperation in Scientific Information Exchange. Part I, more
  • RECOSCIX-WIO: Regional Cooperation in Scientific Information Exchange. Part II, more
  • Research and development of culture techniques for the indigenous mudcrab Scylla serrata, more
  • Study of the biodiversity of Chinese Artemia strains and their possible application in research and aquaculture, more
  • Sustainable approaches to integrated management of aquatic resources in Southern Africa, more
  • Upgrading the educational and research capacity of the Can Tho University in the field of marine aquaculture in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam, more

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