Parent institute: Université de Mons; Faculté des Sciences; Département de Chimie (Umons), more
MRG keyword : Biochemistry
Address: Place du Parc 20
7000 Mons Belgium
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Type: Scientific
1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Abstract: |
Research activities in mass spectrometry were initiated in Mons in the mid-1960s when the first mass spectrometer was acquired by the laboratory of Organic Chemistry of the faculty of Sciences. Now, the Organic Synthesis and Mass Spectrometry laboratory (S2MOs) studies the following research themes:
- chemistry of natural molecules such as saponins, flavonoids, lipids and polysaccharides to (i) establish molecular diversity in living organisms such as plants, microalgae or marine animals to establish their biological role; (ii) modifying the structure of natural molecules to exacerbate their biological properties; (iii) using complex biological molecules to develop mass spectrometry techniques, particularly ion mobility spectrometry;
- chemistry of synthetic macromolecules such as biodegradable or conjugated polymers to essentially optimise MS methods for their structural characterisation or help our collaborators to validate their synthetic developments;
- chemistry of peptoids, which are synthetic biomimetic molecules of peptides to (i) establish the primary structure/secondary structure relationship and (ii) use the structural diversity linked to these molecules to create chiral selectors or systems able to store solar energy (Molecular Solar thermal Energy Storage - MOST);
- development of mass spectrometry methods for the analysis of original organic molecules, with a particular focus on ionisation/desorption, various ion activation techniques and ion mobility separation.
Publications (21) |
Top | Persons |
( 20 peer reviewed ) split up filter
- Claereboudt, E.J.S.; Claereboudt, M.R.; Savarino, P.; Caulier, G.; Gaumez, L.; Deleu, M.; Gerbaux, P.; Eeckhaut, I. (2023). A distinct saponin profile drives an olfactory-mediated aggregation in the aquacultivated sea cucumber Holothuria scabra. Mar. Drugs 21(3): 184., more
- Lourtie, A.; Eeckhaut, I.; Mallefet, J.; Savarino, P.; Isorez, M.; Mussoi, L.; Bischoff, H.; Delroisse, J.; Hedouin, L.; Gerbaux, P.; Caulier, G. (2023). Species-specific metabolites mediate host selection and larval recruitment of the symbiotic seastar shrimp. NPG Scientific Reports 13(1): 12674., more
- Savarino, P.; Demeyer, M.; Decroo, C.; Colson, E.; Gerbaux, P. (2023). Mass spectrometry analysis of saponins. Mass Spectrometry Reviews 42(3): 954-983., more
- Caulier, G.; Lourtie, A.; Brasseur, L.; Mallefet, J.; Gerbaux, P.; Flammang, P.; Eeckhaut, I. (2022). Crinoid anthraquinones as kairomones allowing host selection for the symbiotic snapping shrimp Synalpheus stimpsonii. Chemoecology (Print. ed.) 32(3): 95-104., more
- Cauchie, G.; Delfau-Bonnet, G.; Caulier, G.; Hantson, A.-L.; Renault, J.-H.; Gerbaux, P. (2021). Comprehensive lipid profiling of Microchloropsis gaditana by liquid chromatography - (tandem) mass spectrometry: bead milling and extraction solvent effects. Algal Research 58: 102388., more
- Bouanati, T.; Colson, E.; Moins, S.; Cabrera, J.-C.; Eeckhaut, I.; Raquez, J.-M.; Gerbaux, P. (2020). Microwave-assisted depolymerization of carrageenans from Kappaphycus alvarezii and Eucheuma spinosum: controlled and green production of oligosaccharides from the algae biomass. Algal Research 51: 102054., more
- Delroisse, J.; Van Wayneberghe, K.; Flammang, P.; Gillan, D.; Gerbaux, P.; Opinã, N.; Todinanahary, G.G.B.; Eeckhaut, I. (2020). Epidemiology of a SKin Ulceration Disease (SKUD) in the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra with a review on the SKUDs in Holothuroidea (Echinodermata). NPG Scientific Reports 10(1): 22150., more
- Claereboudt, E.J.S.; Caulier, G.; Decroo, C.; Colson, E.; Gerbaux, P.; Claereboudt, M.R.; Schaller, H.; Flammang, P.; Deleu, M.; Eeckhaut, I. (2019). Triterpenoids in echinoderms: fundamental differences in diversity and biosynthetic pathways. Mar. Drugs 17(6): 352., more
- Brasseur, L.; Demeyer, M.; Decroo, C.; Caulier, G.; Flammang, P.; Gerbaux, P.; Eeckhaut, I. (2018). Identification and quantification of spinochromes in body compartments of Echinometra mathaei's coloured types. Royal Society Open Science 5(8): 15., more
- Brasseur, L.; Caulier, G.; Flammang, P.; Gerbaux, P.; Eeckhaut, I. (2018). Mapping of spinochromes in the body of three tropical shallow water sea urchins. Nat. Prod. Commun. 13(12): 1659-1665, more
- Brasseur, L.; Caulier, G.; Lepoint, G.; Gerbaux, P.; Eeckhaut, I. (2018). Echinometra mathaei and its ectocommensal shrimps: the role of sea urchin spinochrome pigments in the symbiotic association. NPG Scientific Reports 8(1): 17540., more
- Brasseur, L.; Hennebert, E.; Fievez, L.; Caulier, G.; Bureau, F.; Tafforeau, L.; Flammang, P.; Gerbaux, P.; Eeckhaut, I. (2017). The roles of spinochromes in four shallow water tropical sea urchins and their potential as bioactive pharmacological agents. Mar. Drugs 15(6): 179., more
- Decroo, C.; Colson, E.; Demeyer, M.; Lemaur, V.; Caulier, G.; Eeckhaut, I.; Cornil, J.; Flammang, P.; Gerbaux, P. (2017). Tackling saponin diversity in marine animals by mass spectrometry: data acquisition and integration. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 409(12): 3115-3126., more
- Brasseur, L.; Parmentier, E.; Caulier, G.; Vanderplanck, M.; Michez, D.; Flammang, P.; Gerbaux, P.; Lognay, G.; Eeckhaut, I. (2016). Mechanisms involved in pearlfish resistance to holothuroid toxins. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 163(6): 129., more
- Caulier, G.; Mezali, K.; Soualili, D.L.; Decroo, C.; Demeyer, M.; Eeckhaut, I.; Gerbaux, P.; Flammang, P. (2016). Chemical characterization of saponins contained in the body wall and the Cuvierian tubules of the sea cucumber Holothuria (Platyperona) sanctori (Delle Chiaje, 1823). Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 68: 119-127., more
- Demeyer, M.; Wisztorski, M.; Decroo, C.; De Winter, J.; Caulier, G.; Hennebert, E.; Eeckhaut, I.; Fournier, I.; Flammang, P.; Gerbaux, P. (2015). Inter- and intra-organ spatial distributions of sea star saponins by MALDI imaging. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 407(29): 8813-8824., more
- Eeckhaut, I.; Caulier, G.; Brasseur, L.; Flammang, P.; Gerbaux, P.; Parmentier, E. (2015). Effects of holothuroid ichtyotoxic saponins on the gills of free-living fishes and symbiotic pearlfishes. Biol. Bull. 228(3): 253-265, more
- Demeyer, M.; De Winter, J.; Caulier, G.; Eeckhaut, I.; Flammang, P.; Gerbaux, P. (2014). Molecular diversity and body distribution of saponins in the sea star Asterias rubens by mass spectrometry. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. (B Biochem. Mol. Biol.) 168: 1-11., more
- Caulier, G.; Flammang, P.; Gerbaux, P.; Eeckhaut, I. (2013). When a repellent becomes an attractant: harmful saponins are kairomones attracting the symbiotic Harlequin crab. NPG Scientific Reports 3., more
- Coulembier, O.; Moins, S.; De Winter, J.; Gerbaux, P.; Leclère, P.; Lazzaroni, R.; Dubois, P. (2010). From jellyfish macromolecular architectures to nanodoughnut self-assembly. Macromolecules 43(1): 575-579., more
- Caulier, G.; Lourtie, A.; Gerbaux, P.; Claereboudt, J.S.; Flammang, P.; Eeckhaut, I. (2024). Saponins: multitasking chemical signatures in asteroids and holothuroids, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 6 March 2024, Oostende. VLIZ Special Publication, 91: pp. 57, more