Address: Kasteelpark Arenberg 23 - box 2461
3001 Leuven Belgium
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Type: Scientific
Child institutes (4) |
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- KU Leuven; Centre for Food and Microbial Technology (KULeuven), more
- KU Leuven; Group Science, Engineering and Technology; Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems; Laboratory Food & Lipids (KULeuven), more
- KU Leuven; Group Science, Engineering and Technology; Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems; Leuven Food Science and Nutrition Research Centre (KULeuven-LFoRCe), more
- KU Leuven; Group Science, Engineering and Technology; Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems; Technology Cluster Bioengineering Technology (KULeuven-CBeT), more
Publications (11) |
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( 10 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Buecker, S.; Grossmann, L.; Loeffler, M.; Leeb, E.; Weiss, J. (2022). Influence of storage temperature on the stability of heat treated phycocyanin-λ-carrageenan complexes in liquid formulations. Green Chem. 24(10): 4174-4185., more
Ghyselbrecht, K.; Sansen, B.; Monballiu, A.; Ye, Z.-L.; Pinoy, L.; Meesschaert, B. (2019). Cationic selectrodialysis for magnesium recovery from seawater on lab and pilot scale. Separation and Purification Technology 221: 12-22., more
Ye, Z.-L.; Ghyselbrecht, K.; Monballiu, A.; Rottiers, T.; Sansen, B.; Pinoy, L.; Meesschaert, B. (2018). Fractionating magnesium ion from seawater for struvite recovery using electrodialysis with monovalent selective membranes. Chemosphere 210: 867-876., more
Saltykova, A.; Pulido-Tamayo, S.; Pazoutova, M.; Rensing, S.; Nishiyama, T.; Van de Peer, Y.; Marchal, K.; Rombauts, S. (2015). Identifying prokaryotic consortia that live in close interactions with algae. Eur. J. Phycol. 50(Supplement 1): 145-146, more
Vandamme, J.; Nikiforov, A.; Dujardin, K.; Leys, C.; De Cooman, L.; Van Durme, J. (2015). Critical evaluation of non-thermal plasma as an innovative accelerated lipid oxidation technique in fish oil. Food Res. Int. 72: 115-125., more
Vandamme, D.; Foubert, I.; Fraeye, I.; Meesschaert, B.; Muylaert, K. (2012). Flocculation of Chlorella vulgaris induced by high pH: Role of magnesium and calcium and practical implications. Bioresour. Technol. 105: 114-119., more
Frans, I.; Michiels, C.W.; Bossier, P.; Willems, K.A.; Lievens, B.; Rediers, H. (2011). Vibrio anguillarum as a fish pathogen: virulence factors, diagnosis and prevention. J. Fish Dis. 34(9): 643-661., more
Zhang, Y.; Ghyselbrecht, K.; Meesschaert, B.; Pinoy, L.; Van der Bruggen, B. (2011). Electrodialysis on RO concentrate to improve water recovery in wastewater reclamation. J. Membr. Sci. 378(1-2): 101-110., more
Vandamme, D.; Foubert, I.; Meesschaert, B.; Muylaert, K. (2010). Flocculation of microalgae using cationic starch. J. Appl. Phycol. 22(4): 525-530., more
Frans, I.; Lievens, B.; Heusdens, C.; Willems, K.A. (2008). Detection and identification of fish pathogens: what is the future? A review. Isr. J. Aquac.-Bamidgeh 60(4): 213-229, more
- Verhaeghe, T.; Vlaemynck, G.; De Block, J.; Hendrickx, M. (2015). Quality improvement of cooked brown shrimp Crangon crangon trough detailed kinetic studies of the major quality attributes, in: TAFT 2015: 5th Trans-Atlantic Fisheries Technology conference (45th WEFTA meeting). Program book. pp. 27, more