English name: Centre for Urban History
Parent institute: Universiteit Antwerpen; Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte; Departement Geschiedenis (UA), more
MRG keywords (2) : Archaeology; History
Address: Stadscampus (room D.325)
Prinsstraat 13 2000 Antwerpen Belgium
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Type: Scientific
1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Abstract: |
The centre for Urban History (CSG) is an international acknowledged research centre focusing on urban societies, structures and processes in historical perspective. It approaches 'urban history' as a part of an inclusive field of 'urban studies', comprising interdisciplinary insights from urban sociology, cultural studies, demography, economic geography, planning and architecture, urban governance and environmental sciences. Cities originate and flourish in permanent interaction not only with each other, but also with their specific natural setting and the agrarian hinterland that surrounds them. A modern historical understanding of urban growth and development hence also requires the in-depth study of both urban-nature and town-countryside relationships. Hence, the CSG also focuses on the history of water and flood protection; coastal wetland development; urban sanitation; urban green space; nutrient flows between city and countryside; common wasteland management; rural industries and peri-urban agriculture.
Within the marine and coastal domain, the research focuses on six topics:
- the study of the causes, impact and perception of historical flood disasters (Soens; Jongepier);
- the historical study of polders and water-meadows in the North Sea area (as a bottom-up organisation for coast and river water management) (Soens, De Coster);
- the study of sailors, fishermen and maritime professionals (from the Middle Ages to the 20th century (Greefs, Walschap, Loockx);
- broader research on coastal development during the last millennium (mainly the interaction between natural and human dynamics) (Soens, De Block);
- the study of peat development and excavation (Jongepier, De Coster);
- the study of heritage aspects of coastal and river landscapes (focusing on the integration of natural values and cultural historical values) (Soens).
Publications (15) |
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( 9 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Verhoeven, G. (2020). No campers wanted: mass tourism and the discouragement of 'tent cloth vacationing' in Belgium's Trente Glorieuses (1945-'75). Journal of Tourism History 12(3): 237-253. https://hdl.handle.net/10.1080/1755182X.2020.1854354, more
Soens, T.; De Block, G.; Jongepier, I. (2019). Seawalls at work. Envirotech and labor on the North Sea coast before 1800. Technology and Culture 60(3): 688-725. https://dx.doi.org/10.1353/tech.2019.0070, more
Puttevils, J.; Deloof, M. (2017). Marketing and pricing risk in marine insurance in sixteenth-century Antwerp. Journal of Economic History 77(3): 796-837. https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022050717000687, more
De Ruysscher, D.; Puttevils, J. (2015). The art of compromise legislative deliberations on marine insurance institutions in Antwerp (c. 1550-c. 1570). BMGN 130(3): 25-49, more
Deseure, B. (2010). ‘Sa splendeur et sa décadence sont également célèbres’ - Het Scheldeverhaal als politiek instrument tijdens de Franse periode. Tijdschr. Geschied. 123(4): 534-553, more
Deseure, B.; Marnef, G.; Verhoeven, G. (2010). Een pot vol mosselen: de Schelde en de stedelijke identiteit van Antwerpen (zestiende-twintigste eeuw) = A pot full of mussels. The Scheldt and the urban identity of Antwerp (sixteenth to twentieth century). Tijdschr. Geschied. 123(4): 480-485, more
Greefs, H. (2010). Van formeel vrij tot tolvrij - De visies op de Scheldevaart en de positie van Antwerpen als havenstad binnen de schoot van de Antwerpse Kamer van Koophandel, 1795-1863. Tijdschr. Geschied. 123(4): 554-571, more
Troubleyn, L.; Kinnaer, F.; Ervynck, A.; Beeckmans, L.; Caluwé, D.; Cooremans, B.; de Buyser, F.; Deforce, K.; Desender, K.; Lentacker, A.; Moens, J.; Van Bulck, G.; Van Dijck, M.; Van Neer, W.; Wouters, W. (2009). Consumption patterns and living conditions inside Het Steen, the late medieval prison of Malines (Mechelen, Belgium). JALC 1(2): 5-47, more
Greefs, H. (2008). De terugkeer van Mercurius. De divergerende keuzes van de zakenelite in Antwerpen en het belang van relatienetwerken na de heropening van de Schelde (1795-1850) = Divergent strategies of the business elite in Antwerp and the importance of networks after the reopening of the river Scheldt (1795-1850). TSEG 5(2): 55-86, more
- Puttevils, J. (2023). Een vergeten bladzijde? De vroege participatie van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden aan slavernij, in: Allen, R.M. et al. Staat & slavernij: Het Nederlandse koloniale slavernijverleden en zijn doorwerkingen. pp. 347-357, more
- Greefs, H. (2019). Importing from the Baltic to Antwerp: trade preferences and portfolios of maritime traders after the re-emergence of Antwerp as a commercial port town (1795-1857), in: Serruys, M.-W. (Ed.) Proceedings of the sixth sound toll registers online conference, Antwerp, Belgium (22-23 october 2015). Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Marine Academie = Communications de l'Academie Royale de Marine, XLI: pp. 265-284, more
- Stabel, P.; Puttevils, J.; Dumolyn, J.; Lambert, B.; Murray, J.M.; Dupont, G. (2018). Production, markets and socio-economic structures II: c.1320–c.1500, in: Brown, A. et al. Medieval Bruges c. 850-1550. pp. 196-267. https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/9781108303842.007, more
- Stabel, P.; Puttevils, J.; Dumolyn, J. (2018). Production, markets and socio-economic structures I: c.1100–c.1320, in: Brown, A. et al. Medieval Bruges c. 850-1550. pp. 86-123. https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/9781108303842.004, more
- Greefs, H. (2015). Choices and opportunities amid economic warfare: strategic decisions of the business elite in the young harbour town of Antwerp during the Napoleonic Era, in: Aaslestad, K. et al. (Ed.) Revisiting Napoleon’s continental system. Local, regional and European experiences. War, Culture and Society, 1750 – 1850, : pp. 223-240, more
- Greefs, H. (2014). De Schelde geblokkeerd in 1839: hoe Antwerpen opnieuw een provinciestad werd, in: Van Ginderachter, M. et al. (Ed.) Het land dat nooit was. Een tegenfeitelijke geschiedenis van België. pp. 63-88, more
Project |
Top | Persons | Publications |
- De creatie van de Westerschelde. Een historische kijk op de transformatie van het Westerschelde-estuarium van veenriviertje tot internationale handelsroute ( ca. 1000-ca. 1500), more