Original title: IODE-seminaries II: het gebruik van satellietmetingen van wind en golven in mariene voorspellingen Eventtype: Conference/Workshop Date: 2009-12-14
Location: Conference Hall, IODE Office, Oostende, Belgium
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Institutes (2) |
Top | URLs |
- UNESCO; UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE (IODE), more, organiser
- Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), more, partner
Description:With this initiative the UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE, in co-operation with the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), wants the local marine scientists to get in touch with world leading experts, often present at the InnovOcean Site in Ostend for a training course or meeting. On the 14th of December 2009 an afternoon session (16.00 - 18.30) is organised in which three specialists of EUMETSAT, WMO and NOAA will explain how satellite wind and wave products are implemented in marine forecasting. |