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III Belgian-Portugese routes for the Blue Economy - Industry 4.0 is calling

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    Eventtype: Conference/Workshop
    Date: 2021-06-30
    Location: online event
 Participants | URLs 

Institutes (3)  Top | URLs 
  • Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), more, partner
  • Belgian-Portugese Chamber of Commerce (CCBP), more, organiser
  • HAEDES bv, more, organiser

URLs (2)  Top | Participants 

    After the success of the first Belgian-Portuguese Routes for the Blue Economy (2019), which was focused on offshore wind energy, the second edition (2020) was organized around bio-diversity. The third event will focus on smart infrastructure, digitization, and monitoring of the marine and ocean environment. VLIZ is facilitating the event.

    The III Belgian-Portuguese Routes for the Blue economy will bring together frontrunners, but also private initiatives in the Blue Growth realm together with financing agents, academia, clusters, sectoral representatives, administrations and politicians from both Portugal, Belgium, and the EU to share the actual status, express needs and exchange on future developments. The event will be organised around the following topics:

    - Understanding and optimising ocean observations
    - Materials, smart infrastructure and marine robotics, incl. e.g. drones
    - Data analysis, data mining and decision support tools
    - Education and social engagement

All data in the Integrated Marine Information System (IMIS) is subject to the VLIZ privacy policy Top | Participants | URLs