Eventtype: Conference/Workshop Date: 2015-05-07
Location: KVAB, Brussel, Belgium
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Institutes (2) |
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- Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), more, partner
- Joint programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI Oceans), more, organiser
Description:The event is open to the marine and maritime science community, policy makers, NGOs and industry representatives and network organisations.
The conference will present:
- The JPI Oceans Vision and Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda - Priorities for marine and maritime research in Europe and perspectives for future joint activities.
- The JPI Oceans joint actions including the actions on ecological aspects of deep sea mining and micro-plastics, the multi-use of infrastructure for monitoring and intercalibration for the EU Water Framework Directive.
- The outcomes of CSA Oceans, the EU FP7 Support Action aimed to facilitate the implementation of JPI Oceans in its startup phase.