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Fishing and migration of Thysanoteuthis rhombus Troschel in the Japan Sea
Takeda, R.; Tanda, M. (1998). Fishing and migration of Thysanoteuthis rhombus Troschel in the Japan Sea, in: Okutani, T. Contributed papers to International Symposium on Large Pelagic Squids, July 18-19, 1996, for JAMARC's 25th anniversary of its foundation. pp. 191-198
In: Okutani, T. (1998). Contributed papers to International Symposium on Large Pelagic Squids, July 18-19, 1996, for JAMARC's 25th anniversary of its foundation. Japan Marine Fishery Resources Research Center: Tokyo. 269 pp., more

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  • Takeda, R.
  • Tanda, M.

    Thysanoteuthis rhombus are mostiy caught by angling and by set-nets. In the western region of the Japan Sea from Hyogo Prefecture, catches by angling are the main fishing method. The annual catch in 1995 was estimated for the whole of the Japan Sea to be 1,500 tons. In the peak fishing season, catch in the set-nets of Toyama Prefecture is earlier than in the more southwestern in Kyoto Prefecture. The mantle length compositions are polymodal. This suggests that a part of the T rhombus population makes a return migration entering the fishing grounds more than one time. Mature specimens of both males and females were caught. Based on these patterns and the tact that a small size group are caught in the set-nets in December, we suggest that T. rhombus in the Japan Sea are located in a peripheral region of its overall distribution and that their migration is partially a feeding migration.

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