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Control of the spatial distribution of sodium channels in the squid giant axon and its cell bodies
Gilly, W.F.; Lucero, M.T.; Perri, M.; Rosenthal, J. (1995). Control of the spatial distribution of sodium channels in the squid giant axon and its cell bodies, in: Abbott, N.J. et al. (Ed.) Cephalopod neurobiology: neuroscience studies in squid, octopus and cuttlefish. pp. 173-193
In: Abbott, N.J.; Williamson, R.; Maddock, L. (Ed.) (1995). Cephalopod neurobiology: Neuroscience studies in squid, octopus and cuttlefish. Oxford University Press: London. ISBN 0-19-854790-0. 542 pp., more

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  • Gilly, W.F.
  • Lucero, M.T.
  • Perri, M.
  • Rosenthal, J.

    This chapter summarizes our progress in developing a model system for studying the control of neuronal Na channel distribution based on the squid giant axon and its cell bodies located in the giant fibre lobe (GFL) of the stellate ganglion. We have employed patch clamp methods to test the functional integrity of Na channels in GFL neurones maintained in primary culture and to map the spatial distribution in cell bodies and axons. GFL neurones in vitro establish and maintain a strongly polarized Na channel distribution similar to that displayed by the system in vivo. We have identified several manipulations that disrupt this cellular polarity, including a novel effect of the glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin. This drug appears to selectively inhibit high-level expression of Na channels in axonal membrane.

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