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Common law and civil law: a CMI perspective
Griggs, P. (2003). Common law and civil law: a CMI perspective, in: Van Hooydonk, E. (Ed.) English and Continental Maritime Law: after 115 years of maritime law unification: a search for difference between common law and civil law. Antwerp Maritime Law Seminars, : pp. 159-165
In: Van Hooydonk, E. (Ed.) (2003). English and Continental Maritime Law: After 115 years of maritime law unification: a search for difference between common law and civil law. Antwerp Maritime Law Seminars. Maklu: Antwerpen. ISBN 90-621-5809-9. 173 pp., more
In: Antwerp Maritime Law Seminars. Maklu: antwerepen, more

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  • Griggs, P.

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