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Altérites, sables marins (NP8, NP9) et fluviatiles, silicification et stromatolites dans le Paléocène supérieur entre Criel et le Cap d'Ailly (Haute-Normandie)
Dupuis, C.; Steurbaut, E. (1987). Altérites, sables marins (NP8, NP9) et fluviatiles, silicification et stromatolites dans le Paléocène supérieur entre Criel et le Cap d'Ailly (Haute-Normandie). Ann. Soc. Géol. Nord 105: 233-242
In: Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord. Société Géologique du Nord: Lille. ISSN 0767-7367, more
Peer reviewed article  

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  • Dupuis, C.
  • Steurbaut, E., more

    Along the cliffs of the Haute-Normandie, between Criel and the Cap d'Ailly, the so-called thanetian sands, lying below the Formation de Varengeville (NP11) and the sparnacian facies (french sense) remained bad known.Our study allow to define in this sands, four formations, the relationships of which are explicited.Two are marine, with a "thanetian" facies: the Sables de Dieppe and de Criel; the two others are continental; the Sables du Petit-Ailly are fluviatile and the Sables et Grès du Pays-de-Caux strict sense are characterised by their near-surface diagenesis.The Sables de Dieppe and the Sables de Criel being attributed respectively to the NP8 and the NP9 biozones, the tertiary succession of the Haute-Normandie is now well situated between the NP8 and NP11 zones.Thus the majn demonstrated events can be located jn the time scale:-the local end of the pedologic evolution of the chalk (NP8); the high marine relative level causing the maximum stretching of the thanetian sea at the top of the Palaeocene (NP8),-the sparnacian facies transgression (londinian transgression) coinciding with the interruption of the continental limestone leaching (after NP9).

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