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Comparison of different methods of water quality evaluation by means of oligochaetes
Slepukhina, T.D. (1984). Comparison of different methods of water quality evaluation by means of oligochaetes, in: Bonomi, G. et al. Aquatic Oligochaeta: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaete Biology, held in Pallanza, Italy, September 21-24, 1982. Developments in Hydrobiology, 24: pp. 183-186.
In: Bonomi, G.; Erséus, C. (Ed.) (1984). Aquatic Oligochaeta: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaete Biology, held in Pallanza, Italy, September 21-24, 1982. Reprinted from Hydrobiologia, vol. 115. Developments in Hydrobiology, 24. W. Junk Publishers: Dordrecht. ISBN 978-90-6193-775-3; e-ISBN 978-94-009-6563-8. 264 pp., more
In: Dumont, H.J. (Ed.) Developments in Hydrobiology. Kluwer Academic/Springer: The Hague; London; Boston; Dordrecht. ISSN 0167-8418, more
Related to:
Slepukhina, T.D. (1984). Comparison of different methods of water quality evaluation by means of oligochaetes. Hydrobiologia 115: 183-186., more

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  • Slepukhina, T.D.

    Using as examples water bodies in different geographical zones (Lake Ladoga, the River Sukhona, shallow-water ponds of the North Caucasus) the known methods of water quality evaluation by means of oligochaetes are considered. There is no unique universal method of pollution bio-indication in this way. In water bodies of all types the mass development of oligochaetes and the reduction of their species diversity are indications of: (1) large quantities of organic matter; (2) favourable oxygen regime; (3) absence or insignificant quantity of heavy metal solids, petroleum substances and agricultural chemicals; (4) intensive self-purification of the water body.

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