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Population genetic structure and phally polymorphism in Zonitoides nitidus (Gastropoda: Pulmonata)
Jordaens, K.; Backeljau, T.; Verhagen, R. (1998). Population genetic structure and phally polymorphism in Zonitoides nitidus (Gastropoda: Pulmonata). Biol. Jb. Dodonaea 65: 158
In: Biologisch Jaarboek (Dodonaea). Koninklijk Natuurwetenschappelijk Genootschap Dodonaea: Gent. ISSN 0366-0818, more
Also appears in:
Beeckman, T.; Caemelbeke, K. (Ed.) (1998). Populations: Natural and manipulated, symposium organized by the Royal Society of Natural Sciences Dodonaea, University of Gent, 29 October 1997. Biologisch Jaarboek (Dodonaea), 65. Koninklijk Natuurwetenschappelijk Genootschap Dodonaea: Gent. 257 pp., more

    Biology > Genetics > Population genetics
    Gastropoda [WoRMS]; Pulmonata [WoRMS]; Zonitoides nitidus

Authors  Top 
  • Jordaens, K., more
  • Backeljau, T., more
  • Verhagen, R.

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